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DITS Tamas I did not have time to mark your 15 mark Q

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Presentation on theme: "DITS Tamas I did not have time to mark your 15 mark Q"— Presentation transcript:

1 DITS Tamas I did not have time to mark your 15 mark Q
Rafi I will not mark your questions until you do your previous DITs

2 Title: WAR AT SEA STARTER: Which battle has been the most disastrous in your opinion? Give two reasons? SOMME PASSCHENDAELE GALIPOLI

3 The War at Sea: 1914-1918 Learning Outcome:
To understand the key events in the North Sea including Jutland and the British blockade. To identify the threat posed by the U-Boats and to understand the measures brought in to deal with the U-boat threat.

4 Starter: What is Germany trying to do on the map during World War I
Starter: What is Germany trying to do on the map during World War I? How is Germany trying to knock Britain out of the war?

5 What is a U boat?

6 Where is the North Sea? Why was it important – brainst


8 Is what Germany was trying to do effective?
By 1917 U boat hits had left Britain With 6 weeks of food reserves left. This was overcome by the British.

9 How did the British deal with the U- boat threat?
What did the British do to deal with the U-Boat threat? What is it? Where were the achievements of this method? What were the failings of this method? Give it a score out of 5 for the significance of this measure. (1=most significant). Q boats Convoy system Dover barrage Raids on the German coast

10 How effective was the British in dealing with the German U boat threat?
Challenge task: What was the most effective strategy used by the British to undermine the German U boat threat? Explain your answer. Extension: What was the least effective strategy used by the British? Explain your answer

11 The War At Sea The Battle of Jutland

12 Why was Britain reluctant to get involved in a War at Sea?

13 Why did Britain not want a war at sea?
As an island, Britain was much more dependent on her imports from the sea than Germany. Britain needed a large navy to protect her colonies Britain had little to gain from a victory in a pitched battle and everything to lose


15 The German Plan Knowing their battle fleet was weak in its number of battleships, the Germans planned to avoid an all-out battle until they could first sink enough British warships to make the numbers more even.

16 The German Plan PLAN A In 1916, the German plan was to lure parts of the British Grand Fleet out into the North Sea in small numbers. PLAN B German submarines were stationed several miles outside the main British naval bases of Rosyth and Scapa Flow. They aimed to sink British battleships with torpedoes as they left port to deal with the surface raids.

17 The German Plan However this plan proved ineffective as the German U-boats failed to sink a single British warship. Towards the end of May 1916, Admiral Scheer, Commander of the German High Seas Fleet, decided a new plan was needed.

18 The German Plan Take 2 Scheer decided to lead the whole of the German High Seas Fleet out into the North Sea.

19 Unknown to Scheer however, the British were able to decode German radio messages.
Scheer’s messages were intercepted and passed to Admiral Jellicoe. He immediately ordered the British Grand Fleet to sea under cover of darkness to avoid the waiting German submarines. By midnight on 30th May 1916, Jellicoe and Beatty were at sea - five hours before the German High Seas Fleet had left Wilhelmshaven!

20 The Admirals Admiral Jellicoe Admiral Scheer Admiral Hipper
Admiral Beatty

21 The Battle Area

22 The Battle of Jutland: 1916 What was the original German plan? Why did the original war plan fail? What big advantage did the British Royal navy have before the Battle of Jutland? Name the four admirals.

23 Starter Make a prediction of the outcome of the Battle of Jutland

24 Outcome The British suffered far heavier
Casualties, 6500 British to 2,500 Germans. The Germans fled the Battle The design of the German ships, especially the guns were superior. The German fleet rarely went to sea again, Leaving the royal navy in control of the North sea. The British continued to Blockade Germany The Germans were forced to revert To using U boats which brought the Americans into the war. The British had greater losses With 14 British to only 11 German Ships sunk The German naval guns were far better.

25 But the overall result….
The Germans claimed it as a victory for their High Seas Fleet. At first the British press agreed, but the truth was not so clear-cut. The German navy lost 11 ships, including a battleship and a battle cruiser, and suffered 3,058 casualties; the British sustained heavier losses, with 14 ships sunk, including three battle cruisers, and 6,784 casualties. Ten more German ships had suffered heavy damage, however, and by June 2, 1916, only 10 ships that had been involved in the battle were ready to leave port again (Jellicoe, on the other hand, could have put 23 to sea). On July 4, 1916, Scheer reported to the German high command that further fleet action was not an option, and that submarine warfare was Germany’s best hope for victory at sea.

26 Put simply… If you ask a German they will say the Germans won because the British lost more ships - a tactical victory. If you ask a Brit they will say the British won because in the end the German Navy returned to port without wresting control of the North Sea from the Royal Navy - a strategic victory.

27 Draw and complete the table
Germany won the Battle of Jutland Britain won the Battle of Jutland

28 Who do you think was more successful in the Battle of Jutland?

29 15 mark Q 1. Read through the sources. 2. Read the question and highlight what it is asking you. 3.Which sources agree that Britain winning at Jutland was the biggest victory? 4. Which sources disagree? 5. Follow this structure: Introduction – What was the war at sea? What two elements were there? Paragraph one – Some argue that the Battle of Jutland was the most successful element of the war at sea. For example … in source… it says… From my own knowledge… This is reliable/not reliable because… Paragraph two – Some argue that the Battle of Jutland was the most successful element of the war at sea. For example … in source… it says… From my own knowledge… This is reliable/not reliable because… Paragraph three –Some argue that the Battle of Jutland was the NOT most successful element of the war at sea. For example … in source… it says… From my own knowledge… This is reliable/not reliable because… Conclusion – Overall, from the sources and my own knowledge I know that the Battle was…

30 Homework Finish the 15 mark Q For next Tuesday

31 As you watch this video I would like you to pretend you are a teacher and come up with two questions about the Battle of Jutland. At the end we are going to switch books and answer each others questions so you must be listening to the video!!

32 Plenary Answer each other’s questions

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