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Sales Managed Environment®

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1 Sales Managed Environment®
These printed materials were developed exclusively for the use of ACTG and shall remain the sole and exclusive proprietary materials of ACTG. Permission to use, redistribute or otherwise publish these materials must be attained in writing from ACTG.

2 Good, Bad & Ugly SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

3 Building a Sales Managed Environment®
Standards & Accountability Motivation that Works Coach for Success Hire Better Sales People Upgrade Your Sales Team SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

4 Cost of Sales Ghosts Topic Answer
The number of salespeople hired during the last five years: B The number of salespeople fired or who quit during that time: C The number of candidates interviewed for each position: D Approximate duration of each interview: E The number of times each candidate was interviewed: F Hours invested coaching each salesperson: G Fees paid to recruiters for each position: $ H Cost of advertising each position: I The Value of your time ($/hour) J Cost of training each person K Average annual salary paid L YOUR TURNOVER PERCENTAGE (B/A) % M YOUR COST OF RECRUITING (A x C x D x E x I) +(G + H) x A N YOUR DEVELOPMENT COSTS (K + J) x A O THE COST OF YOUR SALES GHOSTS (M + N) X L SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

5 Hire Better Sales People
Profile Search Qualify Interview On-board SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

6 What Results Would You Hire if You Could?
Criteria Standard Annual New Business Generation Annual Revenue Handled Team Success Individual Performance Team Player Account Size – Average Revenue Leadership Qualities Coaching Skills / Results Intellectual Competencies / Results Closing Skills / Results Communication / Relationship Results SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

7 Identifying Crucial Elements
Outlook: how they feel about themselves, the industry, the company and the economy Desire: a passion for success in selling Commitment: willing to do whatever it takes to succeed in selling (assuming high moral and ethical standards) Responsibility: do they take it or blame it? No excuses What questions would you ask to uncover these Crucial Elements? SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

8 Uncovering Major Performance Factors
Need for Approval: would rather be liked than get the business Supportive Buy Cycle: the influence of their own buying habits on their selling habits Record Collections: beliefs that inhibit effective selling Money Issues: uncomfortable talking about money, don’t believe that money is important to the discussion, problems with high dollar sales Controls Emotions: inability to do what they should do in various situations, tendency to panic or freeze What questions would you ask to uncover these Major Performance Factors? SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

9 Indiana Jones knife or gun clip
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10 Hire Better Sales People
Profile Search Qualify Interview On-board SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

11 Profile to Job Post Seeking highly successful sales professional who demonstrates desire and commitment to be an extraordinary success for a growing investment division of a __________ financial institution. You must have prior success working with internal partners to identify current clients with the greatest revenue potential. You must demonstrate the ability to call, meet, qualify and close prospects who: 1) are resistant to change, 2) depend on their own individual abilities, 3) have difficulty undoing current relationships and 4) have a tendency to focus on product rather than process. You will be managed closely and highly pressured to succeed. Competition is fierce and price is always an objection you will have to overcome. The successful sales person validates their contract within _______ months/days, relies on 100% commission and is expected to improve sales and self-management skills. Those with less than $______ prior commission income need not apply. If this is you, send your resume to ___________. If accepted, you will be asked to complete a sales skill evaluation. If interviewed, you will be asked to effectively conduct a financial profile. This is just an example, for investment advisor. SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

12 Why a Pipeline? Why are people leaving?
If your business plan required that you hire 3 new people…? How many will leave over the next 12 months? How replaceable is your most valuable employee? Who is holding you hostage? When was the last time you hired someone that you couldn’t afford? When was the last time you hired someone when you didn’t have a spot for them? What happened when a spot came open and no one was there to fill it? SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

13 Recruiting Formula How many pairs of feet do you need on the street?
How many do you have today? What is the historical change in personnel? What do you anticipate in the next 12 months? Total new sales people, sales leaders needed in next 12 months to exceed target KRAs How many offers do you need to make to get a new hire contracted? How many final interviews do you need to conduct prior to making an offer? How many initial interviews do you or your staff need to conduct before conducting a final interview? How many candidates do you have to have ‘pass the screen interview’ prior to scheduling an initial interview? How many suspect candidates do you need in your pool to invite for a “screen interview”? How many do you have in your candidate pipeline today? What is the variance? What does your prospecting activity need to be to eliminate the variance? SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

14 Recruiting Activity and Pipeline
Participant Networking Current Employees Former Employees Providers Leads Generated Moe 1 2 Larry Curley 3 Shemp Total 6 Recruiting Activity and Pipeline SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

15 Hire Better Sales People
Profile Search Qualify Interview On-board 15 SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

16 You must have a script and a scorecard for the 5-minute interview.
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17 5-Minute Highlights Questions Points (0 – 1)
You’ve see the job description, what makes you think you fit? We need someone that is a (hunter, qualifier, etc). Is that you? How would I know? I don’t see anything on the resume about _____, how come? I have 5 other candidates for this position, why should I interview you? On Tuesday we’ll decide who we invite back for interviews. If you hear from us, then we’ll set a time to meet. If you don’t hear from us, we decided that there wasn’t a match between what we need and your work history. Ok? Qualifying you – If they fail to ask you questions or attempt to control the interview, subtract a point. Close for an appointment – if the candidate fails to keep you on the phone after the appointment closing comment – minus 1 point, if they do try to close, then add 2 points Role play the phone call with someone in the group SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

18 Hire Better Sales People
Profile Search Qualify Interview On-board 18 SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

19 Behavioral Questions What questions are you going to ask to find…?
Makes excuses Lack of commitment Killer instinct Uncomfortable about money Outlook Difficulty recovering from rejection Desire Too trusting SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

20 The Best Interviewing Questions
Problem Question What to Listen for Makes Excuses What is your goal for new sales over the next 12 months? What keeps you from increasing that number by say 50 to 100%? Anything that starts with “I” In your current sales situation when you don’t get a sale, how come? I didn’t What’s the worst year you’ve had in sales? What happened? Listen for excuses. Lack of Commitment Explain to me how you are committed to success in sales. Why should I hire you? The answer you are looking for is, “Maybe you shouldn’t”. Watch how they behave. Do they become flustered with this tough question? Do they get defensive? Tell me about something that you committed to do and failed. How did that make you feel? You want to find someone that doesn’t get emotionally involved. If they can stay cool here they can stay cool in a tough phone sales situation. SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

21 The Best Interviewing Questions, 2
Problem Question What to Listen for Killer Instinct If I were watching you in a closing interview, how would I describe your approach to presenting and closing? I make sure that when I finish I get a firm commitment to do business by a certain point in time. (What you don’t want to hear is, I am very thorough, I make sure I answer all their questions, I TRY to close) What do you do at the end of the call and the prospect says to you “I need to think it over.’ No matter what you try, they say ‘I just have to think this over and look at it, surely you understand this is an important decision.’ What do you do? I hang in there. I go for the no. Also look for ‘close for’ next steps. If I cant get a yes, what next steps can we take to get closer? Suppose I told you that from now on you are not allowed to take “think it overs” at the close. Think it overs kill us. If they won’t tell us yes, get them to tell you no. If someone says I have to think it over, ‘it doesn’t sound like you want to solve your problem and end the call.’ Company policy. How would you feel? Well, I guess if it were company policy, I wouldn’t feel too good but I’d do it anyway. SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

22 The Best Interviewing Questions, 3
Problem Question What to Listen for Uncomfortable about Money What do you do when a prospect says at the close –Your price is too high. I would work with them to uncover how to find the money. Ask them how much money something cost, ie: new car, new suit, vacation, etc. Look for discomfort in discussing costs, if you see that, we have a problem getting them to uncover budgets. Outlook What gets you down? How long does it take you to feel you’ve shaken off the effects of something negative in your life? I turn it off as soon as I get back to work. I don’t let things get to me. I adjust and move on. Recovery from Rejection Give me an example of the last time you dealt with a significant rejection that really bothered you. (Personal or professional) How did you deal with it? Watch the body language. You’re looking for someone that doesn’t get thrown off by this. ‘life goes on’, looking for short recovery time. SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

23 The Best Interviewing Questions, 4
Problem Question What to Listen for Desire Why do you believe you will be successful for us? How you go about your job that would demonstrate you are passionate about being successful in selling? Look for something that ties to money and what they would do with it. Look for things like, looking for the next deal, looking for ways to get the business. I’ve got big things I have to get done. I have a spouse, a big house, a dog and kids to feed. What happens if you don’t get to your goal of xyz in selling this year – what would you do? Look for behavior that describes action vs. planning or thinking. Too Trusting Give them scenarios to role play: Ask them to ask you-how do you make a decision to do this? Ask them to ask you-Will you show the competition their numbers? Tell them no one else has to fall in love with this. Look for their behavior and questions of getting beyond the lie. Tell them you will not. Look for them to ask the question a different way to see if you are not telling them the truth. SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

24 Rate Your New Candidate
Ability to hold a conversation Sense of humor Appropriateness Fit with company culture Fit with company values Fit with company’s clients & prospects Intelligence Industry knowledge Experience Energy Animation Gut feel Handshake Eye contact Comfort Appearance Dress Overall self presentation Sincerity Warmth Rapport Bonding Confidence SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

25 Hire Better Sales People
Profile Search Qualify Interview On-board 25 SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

26 On-boarding Quick Test
On-Boarding Activity Yes/No Rate Performance 1-10 Comprehensive Product Training Operational Training Competitive Information Company Ideology, Mission and Vision Organizational Structure Sales Training Coaching Time Accountability Process Contact List Joint Calls Goals and Planning Sales & Activity Tracking Pre and Post Call Strategy Pipeline Development Debriefing of Calls SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

27 Answer These Questions for Your New People
What are all of the problems we solve? Why are we better? What is our brand promise? How do we position ourselves in the marketplace? Who are our customers? How do we get to them? Why will they see me? What does the first call sound like? What is our sales process? What are the questions I should be asking? What kind of resistance should I expect? What kind of objections will I hear? How do I handle those objections? How do we sell against our competitors? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How do you want me presenting our solutions? How are our prices compared with the competition? How do we justify our prices? SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

28 Activity and Skill Focus Objective and Outcomes
Coach’s Forum Activity and Skill Focus Objective and Outcomes My Action Items Break into groups and assign roles: Manager, Sales Candidate and Observer (then rotate) First step – each should complete the Profile of Results You Would Hire on page 6. Second step- take turns interviewing with the 5-minute interview guide on page 17. Use real information where possible. Group should debrief and discuss best practices noted. Master the ability to create the perfect profile and more effectively qualify sales candidates. You must be able to demonstrate competence in this area of Hiring Leadership. Group breaks into several groups of 3/4. Participants are to take notes in each session of coaching, drill for skill and role play for their personal action items. At the conclusion of this Coach’s Forum, you will go around the room and ask for their action items identified. SME Hire Better SP ©ACTGLLC 2014

29 MAP: My Action Plans Action Items Next Step By When? 1. 2. 3.
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