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Medical Natural Language Understanding now and tomorrow

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Natural Language Understanding now and tomorrow"— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Natural Language Understanding now and tomorrow
Dr. W. Ceusters Dir R&D Language & Computing nv Dr. W. Ceusters

2 semantic representations information processing
Language Engineering speech text semantic representations speech recognition TTS language models semantic models dialogue models speech models natural language understanding text generation information processing Dr. W. Ceusters

3 Levels of language understanding
Morphology Syntactic understanding part of speech assignment (tagging) sentence formation (syntactic parsing) Semantic understanding word meaning (lemmatization) word group meaning (semantic indexing) semantic representation Pragmatics, speech acts, dialogue ... Dr. W. Ceusters

4 The L&C approach L & C LinC Base Language A Proprietary Terminologies
Lexicon Grammar Language A Proprietary Terminologies Lexicon Grammar Language B Others ... ICPC SNOMED Formal Domain Ontology ICD Cassandra Linguistic Ontology LinC Base & L C MedDRA Dr. W. Ceusters

5 L&C’s LinCFactory Dr. W. Ceusters

Definition given by domain-expert: ( ( VOETEXARTICULATIE ) { [ IS_A ] ( EXARTICULATIE ) } { [ HAS_THEME ] ( VOET ) } ) Redefinition by automatic classifier { [ IS_A ] ( VOETAMPUTATIE ) } { [ IS_A ] ( EXARTICULATIE ) } ) Links removed during optimisation: ( VOETEXARTICULATIE ) { [ HAS_THEME ] ( VOET ) } Dr. W. Ceusters

7 Technology currently available
Dr. W. Ceusters

8 Smart spellchecking servers
Dr. W. Ceusters

9 Contextual spellchecking
Dr. W. Ceusters

10 Contextual spellchecking
Dr. W. Ceusters

11 Integration of coding systems
Dr. W. Ceusters

12 Multi-lingual multisystem encoding
Dr. W. Ceusters

13 String indexing (bad practice)
Dr. W. Ceusters

14 String indexing (bad practice)
Dr. W. Ceusters

15 Semantic indexing (good practice)
Dr. W. Ceusters

16 Natural language drug prescription
Dr. W. Ceusters

17 Technology for tomorrow Dr. W. Ceusters

18 The hidden computer Dr. W. Ceusters

19 The “new” technology of tomorrow
Colles’ fracture Smiths’ fracture radius fracture Pouteau fracture fracture of arm fracture of long bone proximal radial shaft fracture fracture SYSTEM Knowledge base SYSTEM Information store I/O Interface GUI ksjdklsd sdkj lskdjfl sldkjfl lskdjlf sldkjf lsdjlf jslkdjfl ksjlkdjf lskdjfl sjdlkfj lsdjlfksjdlkjf e er lskdjflks eokpr pozekprozke zerz zerze er zer epkzeppozekprozkepr kpzekrp o opzepro zeirpoi zzeprzeporip zerpoiz epr SPEECH NLU Dr. W. Ceusters

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