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Pronouns Reflexive and Intensive.

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1 Pronouns Reflexive and Intensive

2 Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
Reflexive and Intensive pronouns end in self or selves. Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns Myself Yourself Herself Himself Itself Ourselves Yourselves Themselves

3 Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive pronouns are objects that are used to refer to the subject of the sentence and are necessary to the meaning of the sentence. Example: The climbers warned themselves to be prepared for anything. ***Themselves refers to climbers and is necessary to the meaning of the sentence.

4 Intensive Pronouns Intensive pronouns add emphasis to a noun or pronoun within the same sentence. They are not necessary to the meaning of the sentence. Example I myself would like to climb a high mountain someday. Myself adds emphasis to “I’, but the word myself is not necessary for the sentence to make sense.

5 Remember that hisself and theirselves are not real words…
Remember that hisself and theirselves are not real words….do not use them in your writing! Use himself and themselves instead.

6 Practice: In each sentence, circle the reflexive or intensive pronoun – Identify if it is a reflexive pronoun or an intensive pronoun. ( 1 ) The dog was scratching itself. reflexive ( 2 ) My sister and I would frighten ourselves in the dark. ( 3 ) The ants created the huge anthill by themselves. ( 4 ) I myself would love to go to Italy. intensive ( 5 ) The principal himself called me with the good news.

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