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SW-Monsoon 2017 and Kharif Crop Prospects
Presented by: Aurobinda Prasad Vice President /
Rainfall Forecast (% of LPA) Actual Rainfall (% LPA)
Monsoon Meter Preliminary Forecast Forecast On-Set Date Actual Onset Date Rainfall Forecast (% of LPA) Actual Rainfall (% LPA) 18 Apr 2017 30 May ± 4 day ??? 96 12 Apr 2016 7th June 8th June 106 97 22 Apr 2015 30th May 5th June 93 86 24 Apr 2014 6th June 95 88 26 Apr 2013 3rd June 1st June 98 26 Apr 2012 99 92 19 Apr 2011 101 Source: Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)
Monsoon: GDP & Inflation Relation
IMD’s initial forecast date Actual Rainfall (% LPA) Growth in Agricultural GDP (%) Food Inflation(%) Food Inflation Index 18 Apr 2017 ??? 3.50 (E) 12 Apr 2016 97 4.15 4.11 134.9 22 Apr 2015 86 1.20 2.64 131.5 24 Apr 2014 88 -0.20 5.67 124.5 26 Apr 2013 106 4.20 12.32 110.9 26 Apr 2012 92 1.50 - 19 Apr 2011 101 5 Source : IMD , Office of Economic Advisor (GOI) and Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Note: Food Inflation: Yearly Average
Agriculture share in GDP
Kharif Production Scenario
Production of Major Kharif Crops (in Million Tonnes) Kharif Crops % Change Total Kharif food-grains 128.06 125.09 138.04 10% Rice 91.39 91.41 96.09 5% Total Coarse Cereals- 30.94 28.15 32.84 17% Total Pulses 5.73 5.53 9.12 65% Total Oilseeds 19.18 16.68 22.81 37% Cotton 348.05 300.05 325.76 8% Sugarcane 362.33 348.48 306.02 -12% Coarse Cereal: Jowar, Bajra, Maize and Ragi Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics; Department of Agriculture; Cooperation & Farmers Welfare Note: Production in million bales of 170 kgs. each.
Rising Minimum Support Price (MSP)
Kharif Crops 2 yr % Change PADDY 1360 1410 1470 8.1% MAIZE 1310 1325 1365 4.2% ARHAR(Tur) 4350 4425 4625 6.3% MOONG 4600 4650 4800 4.3% URAD 4575 5.2% COTTON (Medium Staple) 3750 3800 3860 2.9% COTTON (Long Staple) 4050 4100 4160 2.7% GROUNDNUT IN SHELL 4000 4030 4120 3.0% SOYABEAN (Yellow) 2560 2600 2675 4.5% Source: Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP)
Kharif Scenario
Policy Initiatives Schemes like Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) helps in developing organic clusters & make available chemical free inputs to farmers 100 per cent FDI under automatic route for development of seeds 100 per cent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is allowed under automatic route in storage & ware housing including cold storages Other steps include Pradhanmantri Gram Sinchai Yojana (PGSY) that ensures improved access to irrigation; creation of an unified national agricultural market which would help boost the incomes of farmers Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) In 2016, Central Government launched PM Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana for providing financial support to farmers & cover their crop losses. The scheme covers rabi, kharif crops as well as annual horticultural & commercial crops
Suggestions Walk the Talk (MSP)
Support the farmers in excessive supply scenario (Current pulses scenario) Stock limit should be abolished at least in surplus commodities Open exports for Agri commodities (Pulses)
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