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Pine Richland Band Boosters Meeting, October 3, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Pine Richland Band Boosters Meeting, October 3, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pine Richland Band Boosters Meeting, October 3, 2016
Lurrene Parker, PRBB - President

2 Brian Scott Pine Richland Band Director
Director’s Notes Brian Scott Pine Richland Band Director

3 Treasurer’s Report Ending Balance $80,932 as of Sept 30, 2016.
Dance Team cash $5,506. Kennywood Ticket Sales Profit $5,181. PROF received $ for Orange Ribbon Donations to Kyle Pomerleau Memorial Scholarship Fund from PRBB in Sept Combined with the Spring concert bake sale of $511.75, the total donation is $869.75, short of the PRBB target donation of $1,000. Possibly donate a share of the bake sale from the AV Band Festival or the upcoming Winter concert bake sale to reach that goal? Band Concessions and Candy Stand = Good year so far! Game 1 $4,775 sales Game 2 $6,159 sales AV Band Festival $3,868 sales Total of $14,803 vs. $15,115 after 3 games from 2015 Additional Sales from AV Band Festival Tickets Sales $3,440 Bake Sale $884 50/50 Raffle $600 Almost $8,800 in receipts from the AV Band Festival – Always Say YES to AV FEST !! Fundraiser credits for band families should begin to come in this month. IRS Tax Return 990 filing deadline is 11/15/16. Should be filed by the next booster meeting.

4 Current Fundraising ENJOY Books Stromboli Fall Fundraiser 2016
Enjoy book orders can be placed at this time.  Books sell for $30 and can be purchased from Denise Layne.  The sale continues through mid December Please check the band website for additional details. Stromboli Fall Fundraiser 2016  Stromboli sale has begun. Strombolis are $3.00 each. Please make all checks payable to “PRBB” or “Pine-Richland Band Boosters”. Due date for payment and forms is October 10, 2016. Order form available on the band website.  Stromboli Delivery to PR Band Room is Thursday, October 20, 2016.  Payment should be included with all Stromboli orders.  Questions? Tammy Keenan Fall Sports Raffle (Steelers and Penguins Tickets) Drawing will be held at game on Oct. 28, 2016 Please return your ticket stubs and checks ASAP.  There is a waiting list of students requesting more tickets to sell.  Please return unsold tickets to give others a chance to sell them.

5 Future Fundraisers Pierogies Sale Pie Sale Mattress Sale
October 4 through November 4, 2016 Ami Moore Mattress Sale November 5, 2016 Tonya Kaib Holiday Greens Sale November 7 through November 30, 2016 Christine Plaza Pierogies Sale January 2017 Jill Roskin & Karen Junker Candy Sale Beth Leonard Spring Sports Raffle February 2017 Pirates Opening Day Tickets/Penguins Tickets

6 Volunteering & Board Opportunities
1 Board Vacancy Next Year Candidates need to express interest in writing ( If more than one per position, a nominating committee will be convened. Board changes over at end of April, would like candidates identified by December 1, 2016. Important to ensure continuity of the booster board in the future.

7 Senior Night October 28 Anna Schmitt
We are still in need of gift cards (Pretzel Factory, Chick-Fil-A or Giant Eagle, Walmart and or a neutral visa gift card) and/or monetary donations (checks made payable to “Anna Schmitt” or cash) to help put together a wonderful evening for our seniors. Please send your donations mentioned above to school with your child and have them put them in the band box marked “Anna Schmitt/Matthew Mahafkey Senior Band Night”. Freshmen - Cookie donations are to be dropped off on October 28, 2016, between 4pm - 4:30 pm in the lobby of the high school. I will have parent volunteers and or myself there to accept them. Gift cards, cash, checks (payable to “Anna Schmitt”). Sophomores  - Cases of water are needed. Those can also be dropped off on October 28, 2016, between 4pm -4:30 pm in the lobby of the high school. I will have parent volunteers and or myself there to accept them. Gift cards, cash, checks (payable to “Anna Schmitt”). Juniors - We are in need of gift card donations, cash, and/or checks (made payable to “Anna Schmitt”). Please Anna and let her know what you are donating and how much (mostly on cookies and cases of water). All gift cards, cash, checks, etc. are to be sent in and put in the band box asap please.

8 Upcoming Performances
Friday, October 7 - Football at Peters Twp. Tuesday, October 11 – Assembly (Homecoming) Friday, October 14 – Football vs. Shaler (Homecoming) Friday, October 21 - Football at Butler Friday, October 28 - Football vs. NA (Senior Night) Saturday, October 29 Annual Halloween Parade Jazz Ensemble at GHC Concert in Butler

9 Next Booster Meeting Monday November 7, 2016 Band Room at PRHS

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