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Hot Topic Research Assignment

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1 Hot Topic Research Assignment
March 2017

2 Assignment You and your team will research your assigned Research Topic and prepare a briefing for the class During this time you will research and discuss your team’s issue and then prepare to present a 5 – 10 minute Powerpoint presentation of the assigned issue to the entire class You will present your assigned issue as though you were teaching us (the rest of the class) Please reference your team’s assignment and the rubric for specific requirements Please feel free to ask questions of the class regarding what you covered as learning objectives Be prepared to answer questions from your class and faculty coaches

3 Well Below Expectations 1-2
6/25/2018 CON 360 Hot Topic Rubric Hot Topics Team Presentation Well Below Expectations 1-2 Meets Expectations 3-4 Exceeds Expectations 5 SCORE Synthesis : Presentation is relevant and meaningful to the audience. It is clear that the team has researched the topic and has demonstrated an understanding of the topic. Failed to research topic and demonstrate an understanding of the topic. Students were unable to synthesize information into a articulate and accurate presentation. Adequately researched topic and demonstrated an understanding of the topic. Generally synthesized information into a articulate and accurate presentation. Thoroughly researched topic and demonstrated an understanding of the topic. Synthesized information into an articulate and accurate presentation. Faculty Comments Impact on Workforce: Thoroughly analyzed and addressed impact of issue on the contracting workforce. Student presentation failed to thoroughly address the impact of policy, court case, law, etc on the contracting workforce. Student presentation adequately addressed the impact of policy, court case, law, etc on the contracting workforce. Student presentation thoroughly addressed the impact of policy, court case, law, etc on the contracting workforce. Other Comments: TOTAL SCORE Max. = 10 points Min. = 0 points

4 Research Topics Team 1: Review GAO Protest B , dated 4 June Summarize the facts and circumstances of the protest and the GAO decision. In addition, review the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit case “Metcalf Construction Company Inc. v. United States.” Summarize the case, the findings and conclusion of the court. What are the lessons learned for the contracting workforce from these two cases? Team 2: Review GAO Report , dated 31 July 2015, “FSS More Attention Needed to Competition and Prices”; 31 July 15 Policy Letter “Proper Use of FSS, A Reminder, and Deviation 2014-O Tell us what the GAO found about the competition and pricing of orders against the FSS. Summarize what DoD is doing to improve. What impact do the report and policy have on the contracting workforce? Team 3: What’s hot on the Hill? Look at the signed FY17 NDAA S 2943 Section VIII “Acquisition Policy and Management, and pick the three most significant sections of the legislation and clearly summarize them. In addition, on the DPAP website, review the Open DFARS cases and determine if the FY 15/16 NDAAs resulted in any open DFARS cases then give us 2 examples. Tell us how you think the sections of legislation you chose from the FY 17 NDAA and the Open DFARS cases will impact the contracting workforce. Team 4: Review the "Innovative Contracting Case Studies" which was published 21 Aug 2014 by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) as a resource to leverage innovative procurement practices. Select two types of innovations from the report and describe them with sufficient detail for us to understand what is innovative and the results or case studies to date. Discuss the potential promoting and inhibiting forces of implementing such innovations within DoD and how you think these innovations could impact contracting. Team 5: Review and summarize the memorandum from the Direction, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, Ms Claire Grady entitled “Department of Defense Source Selection Procedures”, dated 1 April Tell us how you think these new procedures will impact the contracting workforce. Team 2 project on FSS: These are questions suggested by the DPAP Case Manager (Mike Canales) to ask students doing this project: Our policy says we encourage the use of schedules (and GWACs) to meet DoD needs, but does our policy and regs make it easier to use them? Does "local" leadership really encourage the use of non-DoD contracts (Schedules and other vehicles) to meet DoD needs? What more can we do to make it easier to use existing vehicles? Should we have a policy that suggests "existing vehicle (schedule/GWAC/MAC) first, before you construct your own unique contract? What do you think caused DoD to issue the deviation in the first place? Why did NASA issue a similar deviation? What is GSA doing to ensure their largest customer utilizes GSA Schedules? Team 4: Innovation is beginning to seep into FAR; Its not just Other Transaction Authority anymore. Instructors might look at FY17 NDAA S 2943, Sections 880, 884, 896 to see the current push for commercial innovation.

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