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Path Analysis in SEM.

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1 Path Analysis in SEM

2 Final Project December 17 No class but final paper due
Please submit hard copy of paper in mailbox (1008) Can schedule SPSS/AMOS assessment during this time Next week – help session (stop by with any questions about final project, etc) – Optional session?

3 Keep in Mind... Same assumptions hold for path analysis Linearity
Independent observations Errors normally distributed & relatively constant

4 Additional Assumptions
Disturbances uncorrelated with IVs There is no reverse causation The exogenous variables are perfectly measured A state of equilibrium (enough time has elapsed for cause to take effect) All common causes of presumed cause & presumed effect included

5 Dangers of Path Analysis
Omitted common cause Biggest danger (misspecification), aka spurious correlation Common causes, not all causes Paths in the wrong direction Unreliability and invalidity

6 Spurious Correlation

7 Effects of Parental Involvement

8 PI Model (MR)

9 Neglected Common Cause
Without prior achv’t we overestimate effect of PI

10 Excluding a Non-Common Cause
Including all possible variables is not always a good idea! (reduce degrees of freedom)

11 The Power of True Experiments
Not a common cause!

12 Mediators are interesting but not necessary
What about mediators? Total Effects 0.47 Mediators are interesting but not necessary

13 Paths in the Wrong Direction
Nothing to really indicated you’ve misspecified (although 10th grade GPA on 8th grade PI makes no sense)

14 Another Path in Wrong Direction
Direct effects are same but indirect and total effects differ

15 Steps in Path Analysis Think…Draw a tentative model
Study relevant theory & research Which variables to include? Causal direction? Revise the model Check ID status (prefer overidentified models) Collect sample, measure variables Estimate the model Fill in the model estimates (is it as expected?) Interpret, write up Steps in Path Analysis

16 Using AMOS

17 Standardized Output Using AMOS

18 Unstandardized Output: AMOS

19 Detailed Output

20 Detailed Output

21 Total Effects

22 Direct Effects

23 Indirect Effects

24 Overidentified Model

25 Overidentified Model

26 Fit of Model

27 Determining “Fit”

28 Fit of the Model TLI, CFI, AGFI > .90 RMSEA < .05

29 Fit of the Model You determine fit by looking at:
Chi-square statistic = measure of misfit, would prefer it to be not significant Fit indices

30 Initial Model

31 Alternative Model

32 Comparing Models

33 MR or SEM? If just-identified or single model
Either MR or SEM (no real advantage to SEM) If over-identified SEM (fit statistics) If comparing models

34 Another Example...

35 Another Example...

36 Final project Idea The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the SEM software, AMOS. Your task is to rerun the path analysis that you specified in SPSS using AMOS. For this model, describe the following: Identification status of the model Estimates of the model (compare these estimates to those generated by SPSS) Overall fit of the model – what do the fit indices suggest? Does your model fit your data well or poorly? Interpret your findings, including a discussion of possible alternative models Now, using AMOS, run at least one alternative model. Compare your estimates and overall fit of the model to your original model. Please attach the AMOS output to your quiz.

37 AMOS AMOS and SPSS are compatible; but AMOS prefers dataset with NO missing data Start AMOS Graphics Draw your diagram Boxes = observed variables Errors = unobserved variables for your DVs Direct effects = straight lines Covariances = curved lines between exogenous variables Save your diagram (.amw = AMOS extension)

38 Another Example...

39 AMOS Useful tools to make your diagram look neater: Copy Touch up
Resize to fit diagram Read your data into AMOS FILE  Data Files  OK Label your variables (both observed and unobserved) Under analysis properties, select any additional information you want AMOS to generate: Standardized estimates Implied and sample moments Modification indices (won’t run if you have missing data) Click on calculate estimates

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