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American Foreign Policy

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1 American Foreign Policy 1789-1853
Louisiana Purchase, War of 1812, Mexican American War Information from

2 Louisiana Purchase Louisiana WAS given to Spain following the French and Indian War. The Pinckney Treat of 1795 allowed the United States the right to Navigate the Mississippi River and use the Port of New Orleans It was cheaper and faster for most goods from the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys to be sent down the river, be put on boats and shipped to East Coast markets. Spain was also a weaker empire and the United States did not fear Spanish intervention in Westward Expansion efforts

3 Louisiana Purchase France reacquired the Louisiana Territory from Spain in (technically 1800 Treaty of San Ildefonso ) Napoleon had planned to retake St. Domingue (Haiti) from the slaves who had revolted and turn Louisiana into granary for France. The United States was concerned about having Napoleon control New Orleans President Jefferson prepared for war in the Mississippi Valley and sent James Monroe and Robert Livingston to France

4 Louisiana Purchase Monroe and Livingston were told to try and buy West Florida and New Orleans for as much as $10 million. If they could not make these arrangements they were to go to England and attempt to create an alliance. Napoleon’s troops in St. Domingue were being killed by Yellow Fever and Napoleon’s struggles with England pushed him to give up on New France. Napoleon Surprised Monroe and Livingston by offering to sell the entire of Louisiana for $11,250,000 and $3,750,000 in debts owed to Americans. That is $15,000,000

5 Louisiana Purchase Monroe and Livingston quickly agreed—However the agreement was FAR more expensive than the $10 million they had been given. President Jefferson did recognize the deal, but he was also was a strict constitutionalist (follows the letter of the Constitution) The Constitution does not have any provisions allowing the President to make purchases of foreign territory. There was strong public support and Jefferson went ahead with the purchase and allowed Congress to complete the purchase This also contributed to the principle of “implied powers” which ironically Jefferson did not support.

6 Louisiana Purchase

7 Presidential Update 1809-1817 (Democrat-Republican)
Known as the Father of the Bill of Rights Vetoed a bill to create a 2nd National Bank President during the War of 1812 Caused issues financing the war of 1812 because the government had no means to create or borrow money. Reversed course in 1816 and signed the 2nd National Bank into Law. Wanted protect Native American Lands—But struggled to do so because his Military Commander Andrew Jackson resisted carrying out the orders.

8 The War of 1812 Connected to Napoleonic Wars, but loosely
1806, France banned all neutral trade with Britain 1807, Britain banned all trade between France and America Britain also pretty much owned the Atlantic 1807, Congress decide to take our trading ball and stay home(Prohibited US Vessels from trading with European nations)

9 War of 1812 Britain used its Navy to enforce it’s blockade against France They would stop American Ships and search for Royal Navy deserters and force American Sailors into the British Navy. Madison used the issue of Impressing American Ships and Sailors to get Congress to declare war They did—June 1, 1812 (hence the name of the war)

10 War of 1812 After Napoleon’s less than smart move in the war with Russia Britain came after the American East Coast. Increase their Blockade to the entire East Coast Attacked Washington and burnt government buildings, including the White House. Took land in Maine and the Great Lakes

11 War of 1812 For our part Won a few naval battles at sea and on the Great Lakes Lost in Military battles to Canada Ends with the Treaty of Ghent Dec. 24, 1814 For the Americans and British, pretty much nothing was gained or lost (accept the men who died)

12 War of 1812 For Native Americans
Native Americans largely fought with Britain. There were peace negotiations for Native American Tribes. However their role in the fighting gave settlers strong arguments for relocating native people to the Louisiana Territory, which did later happen.

13 Presidential Update James Monroe 1817-1828 (Democrat-Republican)
Last Revolutionary Era President Worked to reduce political tensions (Beginning of the “Era of Good Feelings”) Monroe Doctrine—Stated that the Latin Americans were in the United States sphere of influence and Europeans Nations were not to interfere with young Latin American Nations Also Stated that the United States would stay out of European Wars Purchased Florida from Spain (complicated by Andrew Jackson who invaded Florida) $5 million + Gave up all rights to Texas

14 Presidential Update John Quincy Adams 1825-1829 (Democrat-Republican)
Son of President #2 John Adams Elected President by Congress after a tie with Andrew Jackson Struggled to accomplish much as president because of the political backlash from the election Paid down most of the National Debt

15 Presidential Update Andrew Jackson 1829 – 1837 (Democrat)
Indian Removal Act Jacksonian Democracy democracy

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