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Psalm 32:7-11 ( Tune: How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts?)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 32:7-11 ( Tune: How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 32:7-11 ( Tune: How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts?)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 32B Music: How Shall the Young?, Croydon Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. Thou art my hiding place; Thou shalt from trou-ble
keep me free; with songs of my de - liv-er-ance shalt Thou en - com - pass me.

3 Shalt Thou en com pass me.

4 2. I will in - struct thee and thee teach the way that
thou shalt go; and with mine eye up - on thee set I will di - rec - tion show.

5 I will di rec tion show.

6 3. Then be not like the horse or mule which do not
un-der -stand; whose mouth that they may come to thee a bri - dle must com mand.

7 A bri dle must com mand.

8 4. The sor-rows of the wick-ed man ex -ceed-ing-
ly a - bound; but him that trust - eth in the Lord shall mer cy com - pass round.

9 Shall mer cy com pass round.

10 5. Ye righ-teous in the Lord be glad; in him do
ye re - joice; all ye that up - right are in heart, For joy lift up your voice.

11 For joy lift up your voice.

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