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Shack/ bungalow project

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1 Shack/ bungalow project
By Xavier Friday

2 Inspiration Main inspiration Ettan's Shack from far cry. Reason
It possessed the building design I desired along with the correct theme. The Ettan's Shack from far cry

3 Research The research I conducted was looking at other survival games which possessed a house or shack in it (Secondary). Looking at suitable themed colour pallets (secondary). Experimenting with light colour (Primary). The building design in 3D (Primary). Searching for the building material texture (Primary/ Secondary) I decided that wooden theme would go best with this project. Question other peoples opinion of the building design (Primary) after asking other people it was suggested that I go for the other design due to just a box shape will be a bit boring. I plan to use Photoshop to add a paint like appearance to the wood Audience My target audience is for those over 12 for those who like survival games Experimenting with building design I had arrived a several possible lighting colours Yellow White. However it is difficult to decide the colour with out the environment to place it in

4 The character is returning from a business trip from Japan to America and the plane crashes on a tropical island due to engine problems. The character explores the nearby crash site for supplies and stumbles across a shack in the forest. Story/ Environment The time is current day. The character is stranded on a island due to a plane crash and must scavenge for supplies to survive. As the story progresses the character come across a abandoned shack the previous owner appears to not use it anymore and left it to decay, and the player must scavenge for usable supplies where available whilst being careful for wild animals. There game does not have a structured story just to survive the harsh environment and possible find a way to escape. The main focus point would be one of the abandoned house shack.

5 Asset list Building Door Door frame Windows Bed Frame Bed Table Chairs
Bathroom Sink Toilet Bath Washing machine Oven Sink Cupboard

6 Final piece Shack/ bungalow project
The game is going to be a first person survival game on the platforms Xbox one PlayStation 4 and PC. I will produce a 3D environment of inside of a bungalow/ Shack. It is going to be abandoned living shack in a L shape it will contain everything that would be needed to live there, the building itself and some of the content inside has seen a bit of wear and tear. The building design Prototype

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