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This is a brief statement of the reading’s main points .

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Presentation on theme: "This is a brief statement of the reading’s main points ."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a brief statement of the reading’s main points .
How to Write a Summary This is a brief statement of the reading’s main points .

2 Why do we summarize? The purpose in summarizing is to bring into focus what you’ve read. It is used in several methods of writing such as critical response and critical analysis essays. It forces one to use his/her own words in order to internalize the ideas within the reading.

3 Read the passage first Read the passage entirely before writing anything. As you read, consider answering the who, what , when, where, why questions.

4 Reread and Annotate Annotating is the key to writing a strong summary.
Develop summary notes for most or all paragraphs. Briefly state the key issues in each paragraph. Jot down answers to who, what, when, why questions It may help to use a graphic organizer like this:

5 Thesis/ Main Idea: 1st supporting detail: 2nd supporting detail:
3rd supporting detail:

6 Summary Note Example Paragraph 4 of “Where Have All the Parents Gone” by Barbara Dafoe Whitehead: “American children are not prepared to compete. Dafoe Whitehead gives several statistics to prove that our students are unprepared for the future…”

7 Write the Summary As you read, begin writing your summary. It should be about one third the length of the reading. The goal is to capture just the thesis and main points of the reading and use your own words.

8 The reading’s thesis st.
Include a sentence that states the author’s thesis IN YOUR OWN WORDS: Example: In “Where Have all the Parents Gone, Dafoe Whitehead’s main idea is that American parents and their children have suffered because of economics, drug use, and divorce. Hint: Keep in mind that the thesis statement could be anywhere in the reading.

9 Continued 1st: Tell the reader the author and title of the article.
2nd: Include the thesis statement of the reading. 3rd: In your own words, write the topic sentence and only the key points of the first body paragraph.

10 Continued 4th: Continue with other paragraphs in the reading. Focus only on the key points of the reading and briefly offer an overview of the key points. Make sure to follow the order of the reading. Use your annotations and/or organizer to help keep on track. Last: Create one closing sentence for the summary. Ask yourself, what is the overall point of this reading?

11 Summary Don’ts Do not rewrite the original reading
Do not put in your opinion of the issues in the reading. You may be asked to include those elsewhere by your instructor. Do not include minor details. Stick only to the main or key points in the reading.

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