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David P. Anderson Space Sciences Lab UC Berkeley LASER

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1 SETI@home David P. Anderson Space Sciences Lab UC Berkeley LASER
10 Feb 2016

2 Where’s the computing power?
Consumer desktop/laptop video game consoles smartphones, tablets appliances Organizational supercomputers clusters grids clouds << ~1,000 ExaFLOPs

3 Volunteer computing SETI@home Other early projects
launched in 1999 at UCB Spaces Science Lab continuous operation and expansion Other early projects (Stanford) Mersenne prime search

4 SETI Is there life outside Earth? If so, is it intelligent?
If so, what’s in its “encyclopedia”? art/music/dance/literature science/math/philosophy social/governmental/economic

5 Approaches to SETI Radio SETI Optical SETI Planet spectroscopy
Look for physical probes in our solar system Look for unusual star occlusions

6 SETI is a field, not an organization
~20 separate SETI projects at various institutions Berkeley SETI Research Center (BSRC) doing several projects, mostly radio Telescopes: Arecibo, FAST (China), Green Bank, Square Kilometer Array

7 Radio SETI Transparency Radio telescopes/transmitters: single-pixel
leakage, beacons Fourier Transform

8 Challenges with radio SETI
What to look for? Signal types narrow-band pulsed spread-spectrum Frequency range? Targeted vs. sky survey Background noise Man-made interference (RFI) Signal drift due to acceleration

9 SETI@home Data: Arecibo sky survey, hydrogen line
Front end (volunteer computing): find candidate signals many chirp rates, FFT lengths, signal types Back end archive signals in a DB identify/remove RFI score “sky pixels”

10 What then? Human-powered systems for examining meta- candidates (most will be RFI) Re-observation Try machine learning to identify RFI and unusual sets of signals Maybe find ET, or at least new natural phenomena

11 BOINC The middleware used by SETI@home
Open-source, NSF-funded from 2002 to 2015 Server: distributes jobs Client: runs jobs on consumer devices BOINC deals with diversity of computing devices recovery from random and malicious faults volunteer web features

12 Advances in BOINC Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
Apps that run in virtual machines Android smartphones

13 Volunteer computing today
500,000 active computers 50 projects 10 PetaFLOPS

14 Projects using BOINC Rosetta@home Einstein@home
IBM World Community Grid CERN

15 Future: Integrate BOINC with mainstream high- performance computing, e.g. supercomputer centers Volunteers choose research areas rather than projects

16 Contact info Berkeley SETI Research Center BOINC Me

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