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Unit 9 Dialogues Detailed Study of Dialogues (对话) Exercises(练习)

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1 Unit 9 Dialogues Detailed Study of Dialogues (对话) Exercises(练习)
Words and Phrases (单词与短语) Detailed Study of Dialogues (对话) Exercises(练习)

2 Dialogue A When does the train leave?
(Brenda is going to Shenyang for a get-together with her friend. She is now asking a ticket agent for information. ) Brenda: Could you tell me the times of the trains to Shenyang?  Ticket Agent: Daily at 7:42, 13:40 and 14:00.  Brenda: Are they all express trains?  Ticket Agent: Yes, they are.  Brenda: What time does the 13:40 train get to Shenyang?  Ticket Agent: At 17:46.  Brenda: Thank you. 

3 Dialogue B Are there any non-stops?
(Helen is going to Philadelphia by train. Now she is at the inquiry office. ) Helen: When's the next train to Philadelphia?  Clerk: We don't have any trains to Philadelphia this afternoon. But there are some tomorrow morning.  Helen: What time do they leave?  Clerk: There is a train at 6 a.m., and it'll get you there at 11a.m. But there are many stops along the way.  Helen: Are there any non-stops?  Clerk: Yes, there is one at 8:30 a.m., and it arrives at 11:40 a.m.  Helen: I think I'll take the 8:30 one. 

4 Exercise 4 (P.118) 1. Can I help you? May I help you?
What can I do for you? 2. can you tell me the times of the trains 3. What time does the 7:59 train get to Beijing? 4. It gets 5. it’s a non-stop 6. take the 7:59 train like 4

5 Exercise 5 (P.118) 1. Announcements, loudspeakers 2. platform
3. inquiries 4. requested 5. boards 6. non-top 7. later 8. booking office 9. delay 10. cause 11. continues 12. immediately like 5

6 Exercises 6 (P.119) 1. Please have a look at the train schedule.
2. The ladies soon fell asleep. 3. They often come up to the information desk to ask some questions. 4. Readers are requested to keep quiet in the library. 5. I am due to leave soon. 6. This is an express train to Nanjing. 7. Mr. Chen asked the travel agency for advice. 8. Tommy apologized to his parents for his impolite behaviors.

7 Exercises 7 (P.119) Diana: Firstly we will go out for a walk at 9:30 on Saturday morning. We’ll pass through the London Park. Chen: Can we visit the Buckingham Palace? Diana: Of course, and you can also see the changing of the guard. Chen: Great! Diana: In the afternoon we’ll visit the British Museum. Chen: That’s wonderful. There must be a lot of things to see.

8 Exercises 9 (P.120) Amtrak 美国国家铁路客运公司(National Railroad Passenger Corporation of the USA)常用商标为Amtrak、简称美国国铁或美铁,是美国一家长途和城际铁路客运公司,创立于1971年5月1日。Amtrak是一个由英文美国(America)和铁轨(track)组成的混成词。

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