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Martijn Schuemie, PhD Janssen Research and Development

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1 Martijn Schuemie, PhD Janssen Research and Development
Method evaluation Martijn Schuemie, PhD Janssen Research and Development

2 Selected research topics
Topic 1: Method evaluation Have initiated the Method Evaluation Task Force Topic 3: Smooshed comparators Collaboration between UPenn and JnJ Topic 5: Heterogeneous treatment effects Will be put on hold until 1 is completed

3 Method evaluation Population-level effect size estimation:
What is the relative risk of outcome X when using drug A? What is the relative risk of outcome X when using drug A compared to drug B? How accurate and reliable are estimates of a particular method?

4 Method evaluation state-of-the-art
Main evaluation of HDPS: Selective Cox-2 inhibitors versus nsNSAIDs for GI complications Unadjusted: RR = 1.09 (0-91 – 1.30) Age-sex-race-year: RR = 1.01 (0.84 – 1.21) + HDPS: RR = 0.87( ) Statins and 1 year mortality Unadjusted: RR = 0.56 (0-51 – 0.62) Age-sex-race-year: RR = 0.77 (0.69 – 0.85) + HDPS: RR = 0.80 (0.70 – 0.90) Limitations: n = 2 (1 showing no effect at all) Effects were well known so could affect practice What was the true effect size? Was the evaluation tailored to the method?

5 OMOP 2011/2012 experiment Drug-outcome pairs Methods Case-Control
New User Cohort Disproportionality methods ICTPD LGPS Self-Controlled Cohort SCCS Observational data Thomson MarketScan GE

6 Lessons learned from OMOP
Issues with the OMOP experiment(s): Problem with know positive controls (especially contra-indication) that artificially favors self-controlled designs Limitations in methods library Forgot to censor in SCC MSCCS applied shrinkage to exposure of interest CohortMethod did not correct for differences in length of follow up Uncertainty around positive and negative status Don’t know true RR if RR != 1

7 Method Evaluation Task Force
Objectives: Develop the methodology for evaluating methods Use the developed methodology to systematically evaluate a large set of study designs and design choices

8 Task force members Alejandro Schuler Mike Goodman Anthony Sena
Nicole Pratt Brian Saur Niham Shah Chan YouSeng Patrick Ryan David Madigan Peter Rijnbeek Eldar Allakhverdiiev Rae Woong Park George Hripcsak Sara Dempster Jamie Weaver Teng Liaw Marc Suchard Vojtech Huser Martijn Schuemie Yuxi Tian

9 Getting philosophical
Suitability of a method In general? For a specific clinical question?

10 Must specify 3 components
Gold standard (Exposure-Outcome pairs) Methods Data

11 Gold standard Real negative controls Synthetic positive controls RCTs

12 Negative control evaluation
Select trials from that are Randomized Placebo-controlled Report number of (potential adverse) events Apply criteria for negative controls to intervention-event pairs Compute odds ratios for negative controls

13 RCT estimates for negative controls

14 Negative controls Pro: Probably unbiased
Includes measured and unmeasured confounding Con: Null effects only

15 Synthetic positive (and negative) controls
Two options: Injecting outcomes on top of real negative controls Generating all outcomes through simulation

16 Injecting outcomes on negative controls
Target Patient 1 Comparator Patient 2 Target Patient 3 Comparator Patient 4 Target Predictive model of outcome indicates this is a high-risk patient Patient 5 Comparator Patient 6 New RR = 2 (but with same observed confounding) Ingrowing nail Injected ingrowing nail

17 Simulating all outcomes
Target Patient 1 Comparator Patient 2 Target Patient 3 Comparator Patient 4 Target Patient 5 Comparator Patient 6 RR = 2 (with defined confounding structure) simulated ingrowing nail

18 Comparisons made Injection on negative controls
new set of outcomes during risk period vs original set of outcomes during risk period Generating all outcomes new set of outcomes during risk period target vs new set of outcomes during risk period comparator

19 Pros and cons Injection on negative controls Pro Con
Real unmeasured confounding in negative controls One evaluation set for all methods (CohortMethod, SCCS, Case-Control, etc.) By picking appropriate negative controls can generate gold standard relevant for specific clinical questions Con No unmeasured confounding in injected outcomes Assumes negative controls are really negative Simulating all outcomes Certain that simulated effect is exactly true We can simulate unmeasured confounding by dropping measured variables Can use non-negative exposure-outcome pairs as basis Simulate gold standard relevant for specific clinical question Need separate simulation strategies for each method Replaces real confounding structure with simplified one

20 RCTs Selection criteria
Large trials only, so the result of the trial has some accuracy which is nice in a gold standard  Recent trials, so we can restrict our observational data to time prior to when the results of the trial were known (Related to the previous criterium:) Only trials of drugs that were already on the market at the time of the trial, so we actually have observational data prior to the trial Trials with inclusion/exclusion criteria we can also apply to our replication.

21 Method evaluation tasks
Identify exposures of interest and negative controls  Decide approach to positive control synthesis  Identify RCTs and implement inclusion criteria  Implement case-crossover / case-time-control  Define universe of methods to evaluate  Identify list of databases to run on  Develop evaluation metrics  Implement and execute evaluation  Write paper

22 Next workgroup meeting
Western hemisphere: April 13 6pm Central European time 12pm New York 9am Los Angeles / Stanford Eastern hemisphere: April 5 3pm Hong Kong / Taiwan 4pm South Korea 4:30pm Adelaide 9am Central European time 8am UK time

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