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Duties, Responsibilities, and Benefits

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1 Duties, Responsibilities, and Benefits
Today’s Song – “Sprawl II” by Arcade Fire Duties, Responsibilities, and Benefits Citizenship

2 Warm Up

3 American Citizenship Benefits Duties Responsibilities
There are things we must do. Failure to comply with our civic duties is punishable by law There are things we Should do. There are no laws holding people to their Civic Responsibilities There are things we get. Being an American Citizen comes with many perks.

4 Things we must do. Civic Duties

5 1. Obey Laws Civil Disobedience
Everybody, regardless of citizen-status, must obey all laws. Federal, State, Local. Why do we have laws? Help people get along. Help avoid accidents. Keep us safe. Civil Disobedience

6 2. Pay Taxes Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax
Taxes are fees placed on citizens by a government. Luxury Tax Tax Tax Tax Income Taxes Federal State Sales Tax Capital Gains Tax Tax Prize Tax Tax Property Tax Tax Gift Tax Excise Tax Tax Tax Tax Payroll Tax Licensing Tax Inheritance Tax Tax

7 3. Jury Duty We have the right to a Trial by Jury.
Guilt and Innocence are determined by 12 ordinary citizens. When you turn 18, you could be selected to serve on a Jury. Not Guilty!

8 4. Register for the Draft All male US Citizens must register for military service when they turn 18. We have an all volunteer army. If the nation needs defending, all citizens must make themselves available if needed.

9 5. Go to School The United States has compulsory (mandatory) education for it’s citizens. An educated populous is necessary for a democracy. Public Education has positive externalities (side effects). Skilled employees. Healthy citizens. Informed voters. Shared Values. Tolerant Public.

10 Civic Responsibilities
Things Good Citizens Do. Civic Responsibilities

11 1. Vote Compulsory Voting
Every American Citizen over 18 may vote in all elections. Voting Rights have not always been available to everyone. Americans vote for lots of things, not just the president. Compulsory Voting Belgium S. Korea France Mexico Canada U.K. Slovakia U.S. 53.6% Voter Turnout

12 2. Be Informed & Active Be aware of how the government impacts your life. Current Events & Gov’t Action Be aware of how you can impact government. Voting Contacting Elected Officials Petition & Canvass Protesting Run for Office

13 3. Be Tolerant America is a diverse society and we must all get along and respect each other. Our nation’s diversity is a source of strength

14 4. Contribute to Society We have a social responsibility to participate and add to our societal structure. Volunteer Donate to charity Be a conscious citizen Defend others

15 Things we get. Civic Benefits

16 1. Security American citizens are protected. From foreign threats
From crime From domestic instability From government abuse From Injustice

17 2. Equality All Americans are guaranteed equal treatment under the law. Right to the court system Protection from discrimination based on… Race, religion, nationality, sex, age

18 3. Liberty Americans are guaranteed certain unalienable (cannot be taken) rights. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

19 4. Benefits Governments use tax dollars to fund our society

20 To Do: Complete your American Advertisement.
Study your US Map for a Quiz Tomorrow.

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