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The Meaning of Advisement

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1 The Meaning of Advisement
Teaching or Service ? The debate is open 

2 Richard Light, Harvard (2001)
Value of Advisement An excellent advisor does the same for a students entire curriculum that an excellent teacher does for one course. Lowenstein (2005) Good advising may be the single most underestimated characteristic of a successful college experience. Richard Light, Harvard (2001) Effective advising is an essential part of successful retention programs. Vincent Tinto (2004)

3 “Advising” over the years….
Prescriptive (clerical): tell students what classes to take Developmental (counselors): help students grow as a person Teaching: help students see the link between their academic and professional goals and our curriculum

4 The College at Brockport and Advisement
“Development into a highly competent and effective academic advisor and mentor of students” Updated 7/9/11 College document

5 The “How” Informational About the Student About essentials
“should be a dialogue in which the learner has the opportunity to express, justify, and discuss individual goals and ideas” and one where “ the advisor guides the learner” The “How” CONVERSATIONS That are two-way ! Informational About essentials About the Student Who are they ? About the Future When I Grow Up

6 How might advisement conversations improve your classroom teaching?
Why is there a link between advising and satisfaction? Between advising and retention? How might advisement conversations improve your classroom teaching?

7 Through the looking glass…
If advisement is teaching…. Set outcomes Advising philosophy statement? Curriculum & Syllabus? Measure the outcomes “Student- centered” “Faculty-oriented”

8 “Student-Centered” Assessments
Student surveys- self evaluation Advisee portfolios Homework for advising sessions Tracking use of campus services

9 “Advisor-Oriented” Assessments
Reflective Portfolios Statistical data Student evaluation Formal Informal Chair/ Dean evaluation Philosophy statement/ learning outcomes/ syllabus Professional development Advising awards Publications & Presentations (NACADA) Contributions to advising practice/ systems Websites for advisees Mentoring new advisors

10 Professional Memberships?
Other Considerations Student Training ? Professional Memberships? Load ? Advisor Training?

11 NACADA The Global Community for Academic Advising

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