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Homework # 5: Due 3/10 Write a well-developed paragraph about your character. What drives them? What forces act upon them? How to they handle the situations.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework # 5: Due 3/10 Write a well-developed paragraph about your character. What drives them? What forces act upon them? How to they handle the situations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework # 5: Due 3/10 Write a well-developed paragraph about your character. What drives them? What forces act upon them? How to they handle the situations they encounter? Remember the format and expectations of an AP paragraph. 10-15 Well Crafted Sentences A complex assertion about your character Extensive details and explanation that support your assertion.

2 Who’s Who in Macbeth Characterization

3 Focus Question: To what extent can create a character sketch aid in our understanding of how each of the characters affect each other? Do Now: POP QUIZ On the index card write the names of group members on first line & then list the names of characters. As a group you will have 5 min to sort the characters with their descriptions. Tape them together, hand in with your index card.

4 Mini: Conflict a fight, battle, or struggle, especially a prolonged struggle; strife. controversy; quarrel. (i.e. conflicts between parties.) discord of action, feeling, or effect; antagonism or opposition, as of interests or principles: (i.e. a conflict of ideas.)

5 Mini: Types of Conflict
Internal Conflict External Conflict psychological struggle within the mind of a literary or dramatic character, the resolution of which creates the plot's suspense: mental struggle arising from opposing demands or impulses. Man vs. Self struggle between a literary or dramatic character and an outside force such as nature or another character, which drives the dramatic action of the plot: struggle between a person and an outside force Man vs Man or Man vs. Nature

6 Activity 1: Quick Write Reviewing the characters of Macbeth for so in the play (Act 1-4) what types of conflict do we see occurring between the characters? This can be in bullet form Share with group Class Share

7 Activity 2: Character Sketch
Name T1- Macbeth T2- L.Macbeth T3- Macduff T4- Malcolm T5- Witches/ Banquo External Conflict (3x) Each table with construct a sketch as shown Inside the body of the character write the internal conflicts that affect the character (at least 2). Must include a quote & explanation (more than a sentence) Around the outside of the character write the external conflicts that affect the character (at least 2). Must include a quote & explanation (more than a sentence) Internal Conflict (3x) Your Names

8 Element of the Absurd in Waiting for Godot Model
The elements of the Theatre of the Absurd genre are exemplified through the comically irrational yet devastatingly real world created in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. As they wait to meet with Mr. Godot, the main characters, Estragon and Vladimir lack the focus and motivation traditionally seen in a story. Estrogon’s train of thought jumps aimlessly from “Embrace me!...You stink of Garlic” to “Let’s hang ourselves immediately.” His inability to retain focus past a few lines in the script falls in line with the characteristics of an Absurdist drama. Furthermore, their discussion of suicide and how “Gogo light- bough not break – Gogo dead. Didi Heavy - bough break – Didi alone” illuminates the dire predicament of these two individuals. They are unable to cope with their current circumstance and lightly jest as they contemplate taking their lives. As Shakespeare said, “in jest, there is truth,” likewise is there truth in Beckett’s satirical commentary on the bleak and vast emptiness of living without purpose. Where is the topic sentence? Where are the embedded Quotes with context? Where are the explanation of the quotes? Where is the summative sentence?

9 Closing: Notebook to Discuss
What is the greatest conflict in this play? Does it ever get resolved? What is the catalyst for the resolution?

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