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Sub Saharan Africa Human Geography.

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1 Sub Saharan Africa Human Geography

2 Population Patterns 5. Identify the diverse peoples of Africa south of the Sahara 9. Discuss the affects of disease, famine, and war.

3 Africa south of the Sahara has the highest birthrate, the highest death rate, the highest infant mortality rate, and the shortest life expectancy in the world. Draw an arrow for the following population patterns… __________ ­­­­­­­­­__________ ­­­ __________ Birthrate Death Rate Infant Mortality Rate _________ Life Expectancy

4 The population is projected to double by 2035, but millions of AIDS-related deaths in the next several years could drastically limit population growth.

5 The people of Africa south of the Sahara are unevenly distributed over the land. Most people are concentrated along the coastal belt of West Africa and along the eastern coast of southern Africa. In these areas, access to water is easy, and the soil is fertile.

6 Soaring population growth, combined with economic challenges, has made it difficult for Africa south of the Sahara to feed its people.

7 The effects of climate and intensive farming have depleted much of the farmland.
Population growth is leading to the overexploitation of farmland, and depleting soil of nutrients. "Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa have traditionally cleared land, grown a few crops, then moved on to clear more land, leaving the land to regain fertility,“. "But population pressure now forces farmers to grow crop after crop, mining or depleting the soil of nutrients while giving nothing back." .

8 Famine, unclean water, lack of sanitation, and the AIDS epidemic are the leading causes of death in the region. Governments cannot afford to purchase expensive AIDS drugs to help their people. The high death rate means a probable future shortage of workers, which could in turn lead to the closing of industries.

9 Africa south of the Sahara is home to more than 3,000 African ethnic groups.
Harvard University map of ethnicity in Africa, based on data from a 2001 book edited by anthropologist Marc Leo Felix

10 People within an ethnic group share a language and a culture
People within an ethnic group share a language and a culture. In Africa identifying with one’s ethnic group is often more important than loyalty to a central government.

11 Nationalism vs. Patriotism
Nationalism – Belief that each person or ethnic group, should have its own government and nation state. Usually leads to violence against those that seem to prevent a group from getting it. Patriotism – Loyalty and support for one’s country. It is the belief that citizens should obey their country’s laws and rally to its defense.


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