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Sanitary Engineering Lecture 5

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1 Sanitary Engineering Lecture 5

2 Qdes = Qmax + QI/l ( if found)
Design of W.W. Collection System Design criteria: Waste water flow: Flow varies according to: The season (monthly variations) Weather conditions Week of the month , day of the week, time of the day. Estimation of the design flow Qdes: Data needed: Average daily water consumption per capita for domestic areas (L/c/d), (Qavg). Average daily water consumption per capita for institution ( school, offices, ….etc. ), (Qavg). Average daily water consumption for commercial and industrial areas. Qdes = Qmax + QI/l ( if found) Infiltration, inflow: QI/I = QInfil + QInflo QInfil is taken as [24-95 m3/day/km] or [0.5 m3/day/diameter (cm)], take the bigger value of the two. QInflo is taken as [m3/ha/day]. (hectare = 10,000 m2) Qmax = [0.80* Qavg] * Pƒ (0.8 > 80% return from water supply). This equation is for domestic users only. Q max for institutions, commercial activities, and industries are calculated according to the type of industry, and cannot be calculated from this equation. Each industry has its specific average wastewater production and peaking factor that can be taken from published references or from the records of these industries or institutions.

3 Sewage flow diagram for a small town
149 86 43 hour 1.8 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Flow coefficient Flow (L/s) Peak coefficient Average day flow Average 24 hr flow Average night flow Sewage flow diagram for a small town

4 Note: [Qavg]w = 0.8 Qavg , which is the average domestic wastewater production , while Qavg is the average water consumption.

5 Example Solution


7 Runoff-coefficient-Estimation
Rational Method Equations: C = runoff coefficient Example 13-2: Determine the runoff coefficient for an area of 0.2 km2, of which 3000 m2 is covered by buildings, 5000 m2 by paved driveways and walks, and 2000 m2 by Portland cement streets. The remaining area is flat, heavy soil covered by grass. Solution From Table 13-2, one may obtain values of C for each area:

8 Runoff-coefficient-Estimation

9 The fraction of the area with each surface is
Runoff-coefficient-Estimation Roofs 0.70 to 0.95 Driveways and walks 0.7to 0.85 Street 0.80 to 0.95 Lawn 0.13 to 0.17 The fraction of the area with each surface is Roofs 3000/200,000 = 0.015 Driveways and walks 5000/200,000 = 0.025 Street 2000/200,000 = 0.010 Lawn 190,000/200,000 = 0.95 The average value of C, depending on the specific values chosen for the individual areas, will thus lie between 0.16 and Conservative practice, in the absence of local knowledge, would be to use the higher values in the table, resulting in a runoff coefficient of 0.21

10 Application Given for a gravity pipe serving in a community of inh. the following: Pipe length km Qavg L/c.d Infiltration rate m3/km.d Inflow m3/d The waste water production rate is 80% of the water supply Find Qmax, Qdes and Qmin

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