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Fire Drill #2 Hoyt Middle School.

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1 Fire Drill #2 Hoyt Middle School

2 Pre test The fire alarm audible signal (beep-beep-beep-pause) means there is a fire. True False If the fire alarm sounds during non-class time then we report to the meeting area for our next class. When there is smoke in the hallway, we should go back to our classroom. During a fire or fire drill, it is important to exit in a single file line and remain quiet. After checking in with my teacher or a staff member, it is permissible to talk with my friends and make noise. If there is fire in our primary exit path, we should use our secondary exit path. It is important to crawl low under smoke because that is where the fresh air is located. When the fire alarm sounds, it is always a drill.

3 What does it sound like? The fire alarm audible signal (beep-beep-beep-pause) means there is a fire. Often there will be a flash before the signal

4 Non class time If the fire alarm sounds during non-class time then students report to the meeting area for their last class IF that exit is the closest otherwise they should proceed out the building through the nearest exit and check in with a staff member at that meeting place and explain which teacher they had for their last class.

5 What if we see smoke? Students should crawl low through smoke to the nearest exit and get out of the building as quickly as possible.

6 No matter what During a fire or fire drill, it is important to exit in a single file line and remain quiet

7 After checking in with my teacher or a staff member, it is NOT permissible to talk with my friends and make noise. It is extremely important to always remain quiet so teachers can hear directions It is important that we are quiet in order to hear directions given by the teacher

8 Fire Fire If there is fire in our primary exit path, we should use our secondary exit path.

9 Why can’t we run through smoke?
It is important to crawl low under smoke because that is where the fresh air is located.

10 When is the signal for real?
Drills are pre-announced When the fire alarm sounds we must treat it as though there is an actual fire. Every time

11 P0st test The fire alarm audible signal (beep-beep-beep-pause) means there is a fire. True False If the fire alarm sounds during non-class time then we report to the meeting area for our next class. When there is smoke in the hallway, we should go back to our classroom. During a fire or fire drill, it is important to exit in a single file line and remain quiet. After checking in with my teacher or a staff member, it is permissible to talk with my friends and make noise. If there is fire in our primary exit path, we should use our secondary exit path. It is important to crawl low under smoke because that is where the fresh air is located. When the fire alarm sounds, it is always a drill.

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