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WEEK 5 English 9 September 29-Oct 3.

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1 WEEK 5 English 9 September 29-Oct 3

2 Monday, September 29 Hand Out Vocabulary 6 due Tuesday( should be 5, we will catch up next week) Vocabulary quiz Friday Complete presentations in groups Return Biographies to library Get new free Reading book Yes you will always record reading times every time you read:  EliReview Reading log for last week (Sept 22-28)

3 Monday, September 22nd Odysseus: read page 890 Begin Cornell Notes

Key Words Quotes/ Definitions Notes /Questions Page # lines Epic 890

5 Tuesday Cornell Notes ( just go to insert & highlight ) Key Words
Definition (Quote) Notes/ Questions Pages Epic “a long narrative poem… About a hero…who reflects the values and ideals of a nation..) See book for full information 890 Epic hero “larger than life figure… Embodies the ideals & values of a race…” Epic Simile comparison of two things using like or as, a long extended simile is a epic simile Summary not a quote 891 Full title The Wanderings of Odysseus from the Odyssey By Homer Translated by Robert Fitzgerald Book One Summary introduction 895

6 Book 9 New Coasts and Poseidon's Son
Key word page Odysseus “ I am Laertes’ son” 896 Line 7 “…” “Ithaca” His home where he is king 896 Line 13 “ I shall not see a place more dear” Explains his love home 896 Line 17 City of Cicones Enemies of Odysseus Stopped to look for supplies 897 Lotus “Coastline of Lotus Eaters” “Honeyed plant”…made the men forgetful of homeland They would “stay forever, forgetful” of purpose Cyclopes “a prodigious man” Huge, enormous 899 Line 86 Curiosity men were eaten Caused danger 903

7 Key Word Pages Cyclopes Didn’t plow, “ignorance leaving fruitage” 898 Clever/ intelligent Odysseus Wine 12 two handed jars 1 to 20 to dilute 899 Curiosity Men suggest to get supplies and leave weakness 900 Line 130 A Prodigious Man Describes Cyclopes Line 87 page 899 Don’t respect Gods Odysseus prays to Zeus 902 Leader Made a plan of escape Create a spike to blind the giant 904

8 Cyclops story Key words Quotes/other Notes Page Clever Brought wine
Used it on Cyclops 904 Nohbdy (spelling from book) “Everyone calls me Nohbdy”(906). Tricking Cyclops The name deceives 906 907 line 324 Odysseus was brave He did this act instead of asking his crew Drove a big spike Skill/clever Created sheep skins tied together to hide his men under When Polyphemus is blind he will reach and feel if it is sheep he would let them pass, men he would grab 907 Polyphemus Son of Poseidon God of the sea Ego “Godsake Captain” Odysseus brags 911 & 912

9 Respects the Gods Slew a sheep for Zeus 912

10 Tuesday September 30 Correct Vocabulary 6 ( nest week will be 5)
Unit Test for lessons 1-6 Monday Oct 13  Silent Read ( Record times on log )

11 THURSDAY OCT 2 A Letter in a Bottle: Choose a perspective to write from: Odysseus or a crew member (other?) Determine your audience: You are sending a communication hoping it will be received back at Ithaca: a news article, a letter, (other?) Topic: Odysseus’s character; an epic hero Begin with a summary of the events to date. Include definition of epic hero and cite Include names of places, problems, and people or gods. Discuss your opinion of Odysseus’s character as an epic hero. Cite a minimum of 3 times using MLA. Ex “….”(906) Elaborate on how citation supports your thoughts. Length: words Possible 100 points_________

12 Friday, October 3 Quiz Vocabulary 5
Reminder Unit Test coming Oct 13 Monday 20 minutes to work on writing Letter in a Bottle SILENT READ record times/conference with teacher

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