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The more we study… The more we know !!!

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Presentation on theme: "The more we study… The more we know !!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The more we study… The more we know !!!
English week / 2016 The more we know !!!

2 William Shakespeare

3 In the world of fairy tales
English-speaking countries (excursion) – 4-5 form Welcome to our English library form In the world of fairy tales 3-4 form Teacher Polivoda N.L .

4 English folklore – 2-3 form
“ The country mouse and the Town mouse” dramatization- 2 form “ The toy soldier” dramatization- 3 form Tongue twisters and proverbs - 4 form More interesting facts about English speaking countries – 7 form Teacher Solovyova A.V.

5 Posters for English Week
Reciting poems Reports about famous people, sights, culture of English-speaking countries British and American English Projects Quizes Teacher Berstenyova I.A.

6 Dangerous world of wild animals – 9 form
British colleges – 8 form Dangerous world of wild animals – 9 form Madame Tussaud (history of the museum) 10 form British and American famous people (Walter Afanasieff) – 11 form Teacher Dikopoltseva M.A.

7 English literature (poems of R.Kipling) 8-11 form
Quiz “Do you know me?” 8-11 My favorite fact about an English speaking country (projects) 8-9 form Russian and English proverbs 11 form Teacher Trenina O.Y.

8 Excursion around Britain 3-5 form “English idioms and proverbs” quiz- 5 form “Who is the smartest? Riddle contest 3-4 form Teacher Ermakova A.V.


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