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Presentation on theme: "RAY DIAGRAMS FOR MIRRORS"— Presentation transcript:


2 CONCAVE MIRRORS All ray diagrams start with a center line and the mirror

3 Next, put in the focal point (F) and the center of curvature (C)
Note: F is always closer to the mirror; C is twice as far as F Next, put in the object as described in the problem. C F

4 You can get 3 types of images from a concave mirror
You can get 3 types of images from a concave mirror. The type of image is determined by the object distance. F C do > R (note: R = distance from mirror to C) IMAGE = real, inverted, smaller F C R > do > f (note: f = focal length) IMAGE = real, inverted, bigger F C do < f IMAGE = virtual, upright, bigger

5 - draw a ray parallel to the center line to the mirror THEN through F
RAY DIAGRAM: do > R - draw a ray parallel to the center line to the mirror THEN through F - draw a ray through F to the mirror THEN parallel to the center line - draw a ray through C to the mirror then back through C F C The point where the reflected rays intersect is where the image will be formed

6 RAY DIAGRAM: R > do > f
- draw a ray parallel to the center line to the mirror THEN through F - draw a ray through F to the mirror THEN parallel to the center line - draw a ray in line with C to the mirror then back through C F C

7 RAY DIAGRAM: do < f - draw a ray parallel to the center line to the mirror THEN through F - draw a ray in line with F to the mirror THEN parallel to the center line - draw a ray in line with C to the mirror then back through C F C Reflected rays do not meet in “real” space. Draw dotted lines back from reflected rays so that they intersect behind the mirror.

8 CONVEX MIRRORS All ray diagrams start with a center line and the mirror

9 Next, put in the focal point (F) and the center of curvature (C)
Note: F & C are “behind” the mirror Next, put in the object as described in the problem. F C

10 You can only get 1 type of image from a convex mirror: virtual, upright, smaller
- draw a ray parallel to the center line to the mirror THEN in line with F - draw a ray through F to the mirror THEN parallel to the center line - draw a ray to C to the mirror then back from C F C Reflected rays do not meet in “real” space. Draw dotted lines back from reflected rays so that they intersect behind the mirror.


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