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Expansion of plants on Earth

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1 Expansion of plants on Earth
Výukový materiál EK Tvůrce: Ing. Marie Jiráková Tvůrce anglické verze: Mgr. Milan Smejkal Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/ Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR

2 Expansion of plants on Earth
It is not random A presence or absence of a particular species in a given area is a result of the climate, habitat conditions and biotic factors current effects and past effects often work simultaneously

3 the range and depiction of it
a characteristic feature of each taxon (especially species, genus, family, etc.) is an extension to a particular territory a list of all plant taxa of this territory forms „Flora“

4 The Range The occurrence of a particular taxon with all habitats
Phytogeography – chorology - deals with the study of the ranges

5 The ranges of different taxa
They differ in sizes and shapes The ranges can be classified by shape: continuous – locations as a whole discontinuous – locations with two or more parts separated by a hiatus (a territory, where a given taxon does not occur) The ranges can be divided by size: macroranges, mesoranges and microranges

6 Macroranges and cosmopolitan ranges
macroranges include large areas of the earth's surface cosmopolitan ranges include the majority of the earth's surface - for example a nettle

7 Mesoranges, microranges
mesoranges are the areas of a medium size - eg. a beech microranges are the areas, which involve only a small area, sometimes only a single site.

8 Borders of the ranges They are not constant
They reflect the range of the taxon in a specific time period under certain conditions.

9 Division of the ranges According to human activities:
original – primary ranges – without the influence of human activities autochthonous ranges –specific to the territory derivative ranges –secondary – with the influence of human activities allochthonous ranges – not original in the territory

10 Biological invasions the spread of non-native species outside their primary area human activity has accelerated it global problems of mankind

11 Maps of the ranges graphical expression of taxa The maps are: netted
dot(ted) outline

12 Worksheets - Revision The flora is made up of …?
What does the phytography study? How do we divide the ranges of different taxa? What is a hiatus? What is a biological invasion? What groups can we find in the ranges?

13 Sources: KINCL, Lubomír, Miloslav KINCL a Jana JAKRLOVÁ. Biologie rostlin pro 1. ročník gymnázií. Třetí, upravené vydání – dotisk. Praha: Fortuna, ISBN

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