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V. Breton LPC Clermont-Ferrand
Biomed cluster V. Breton LPC Clermont-Ferrand “NA4 is no longer the user community”, Cal Loomis (090608)
Meeting goals Going through the workplan, discuss the programme of work during EGEE-III Main issues Further refine the workplan Modus operandi: organization of the biomed cluster Discuss the transition to EGI List of applications supported by the cluster Request for tomorrow Prepare 2 slides on the status of the application your group wishes to support within the cluster
Partners Partner name Country Person-Months ASGC Taïwan 24 CNR-ITB
Italy 18 CNRS France 90 CNU Korea 84 KISTI 39 UPV Spain TOTAL 273 PM
Subtask 1: support for selected services
Partner name Country Contribution to sub task Person-Months ASGC Taiwan CNR-ITB Italy Support to workflow 2 CNRS (I3S & CREATIS) France Support to MOTEUR 33 CNU Korea KISTI Support to AMGA 21 UPV Spain 12 TOTAL 68PM CNR: benchmarking – testing of workflow tools – Connection to specific databases – TAVERNA & MOTEUR TAVERNA porting by I3S tested by CNR I3S: contribution on two services: MOTEUR - TAVERNA and MDM. MDM, the secure Medical Data Manager, is built on top of services which are going to be in the next release of gLite. MDM download can be done since last Friday. MDM deployed in Amsterdam. Installation of MDM client side requires some packages on a User Interface CREATIS: contribution to MOTEUR and MDM testing UPV: Main interest on AMGA. Use of structure reports to organize data. Work in AMGA to enable it to support structure reports. Add semantics and improve AMGA.
Organization of subtask 1
Contact points for AMGA and MOTEUR support AMGA: Ignacio Blanquer and Soonwook Hwang MOTEUR: Johan Montagnat MDM: Romain Texier Relationship to user support team: I. Blanquer Edition of documents: Handling tickets for user support: Relationship to the developer teams MOTEUR: inside NA4 biomed cluster MDM: follow-up by J. Montagnat AMGA: developer team mailing list Relation to the application porting team Request to application porting team: one contact point for the biomed cluster Encryption management supported within JRA1 Relation to application porting team: the NA4 porting team could provide the basic support while the biomed cluster could provide specific support. Who performs the first analysis of the application? There is a need for applications which achieve scientific production. The application porting group provides technical analysis, recommendation and expert support. Biomed hackers list – Internal application list for developers to help with application porting ? Many services are working: resources on permanent staff. S. Pop
Subtask 2: preparation of the migration to EGI in the life sciences sector
Partner name Country Contribution to sub task Person-Months ASGC Taiwan CNR-ITB Italy Interaction with BBMRI, EGI, ELIXIR and other design studies 2 CNRS (LPC Clermont-Fd & IBCP, CREATIS) France Interaction with EGI, ELIXIR and other European initiatives (VPH) 18 CNU Korea KISTI UPV Spain TOTAL 20PM BBMRI: Biobanking, design study for a biobank in Europe. L. Milanesi ELIXIR: design study for merging medical and molecular biology data at a european level– CNR involved at a national level in Italy VPH contact point: Hugues Benoit-Cattin ELIXIR : Christophe Blanchet
Organization of subtask2
Formalize the relationship to the different projects and initiatives EGI: V. Breton Elixir: C. Blanchet VPH: H. Benoit-Cattin BBMRI: L. Milanesi INSTRUCT: L. Milanesi Spanish network for e-science: I. Blanquer LifeWatch: V. Breton Issues related to EGI Organization of application sector is unclear V.B. contacted to participate to User Task force User requirements document to be produced end of May How to prepare the transition Requirements: how do we envisage the cluster in EGi, what kind of service one would expect from EGI ?
EGI: how to prepare the transition ?
Requirements We want to keep one big biomed VO which is better Capacity to continue to use the biomed VO as we do today VO manager Issues? More sites running MPI (only 10 and about 1000 CPUs today) EGI = EGEE without JRAs Better one middleware supported than several poorly supported Need for common interfaces to the different middleware stacks Need for multiOS user interface Example: D-Grid will offer Unicore We want to keep GGUS User and application support should be distributed to NGIs Need for a coordination at an international level To enable international collaboration
Subtask 3: support to application porting in the field of bioinformatics, medical imaging and drug discovery Partner name Country Contribution to sub task Person-Months ASGC Taiwan Drug discovery 24 CNR-ITB Italy Bioinformatics 14 CNRS (CREATIS, I3S, LPC Clermont-Fd & IBCP) France Bioinformatics, Drug Discovery, Medical Imaging 39 CNU Korea 84 KISTI 18 UPV Spain Medical Imaging 6 TOTAL 185PM ASGC 18PM on the development of generic virtual screening services 6PM on the integration of workflow tools
Organization of subtask 3
What is the list of biomed applications? Only the ones supported by the biomed cluster? What about the others? Who register the biomed applications? The regional NA4 coordinators? Should the cluster support all the applications of its partners? What is the relationship to the application porting team in Hungary ? How do we collaborate with this team? How to strengthen the links inside the cluster ? How to strengthen the links inside the community ? How to reach out to projects which are not funded by EGEE ? The most difficult point is to invite people who need grids to our discussions. We need internal events and external events: - EGEE conferences are internal events - User forums are external events More and more, we should try to organize piggy back workshops: MICCAI grid workshop, EMBnet, Why do you prefer to have one single VO ? Because it makes our life easier. There is much more work to grant access to a large number of VOs. Another advantage is to give more visibility. How to organize the virtual organizations ?
Cluster contribution to NA4
Participation to Steering Committee Participation to TMB meetings Contribution to project TMB groups Portal Group (C. Blanchet) MDM Group (J. Montagnat) -> end soon once fully integrated in gLite SDJ Group (C. Germain)
Cluster organization External communication Internal communication
Collection of existing services and applications (J. Montagnat) Mailing lists Internal communication Developer mailing list Web site ? Grid workshops and tutorials Grid biomed summer school in Varenna MICCAI Grid workshop EMBnet conference HealthGrid workshop at EGEE conference Next event EGEE conference in Istambul: parallel track for each cluster Internal meeting User Forum Open session Attempt to EGEE-II: web site with pointers to other applications. Difficult for people to provide pointers. Need for a broad view of what is going on in the cluster. Algorithms, applications and other services. Need to maintain that.
Biomed summer school Location: Varenna Time: mid-May
Duration: one week Main organizer: L. Milanesi
Cluster management LS cluster manager: V. Breton
Deputies: C. Blanchet, J. Montagnat LS contact point for all management, communication and administrative issues: G. Fettahi Relationship to regional coordinators Relationship to NA2 and NA3 Cluster webmaster LS contact point for user support: I. Blanquer LS contact point for application porting: L. Maigne Biomed VO manager: to be defined Biomed grid school coordinator: L. Milanesi Biomed cluster contact points for external initiatives VPH: H. Benoit-Cattin BBMRI: L. Milanesi EGI: V. Breton ELIXIR: C. Blanchet INSTRUCT: L. Milanesi LifeWatch: V. Breton
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