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Leadership Tools and Tips

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1 Leadership Tools and Tips
WACTE Conference Wenatchee , WA October10, 2016 Mary Mary Nagel Program Supervisor Family and Consumer Sciences Education Rebecca Wallace Program Supervisor Agriculture

2 Rebecca 10/10/2016

3 rebecca We are ALL in the CTE business… Extended Leadership is part of the CTE Business.

4 CTE Standards Equivalency’s =/> CTSO’s
Leadership equivalencies must be equal to or exceed the appropriate CTSO standards related to the specific program area, for 21st Century Skills integration, and include opportunities for students to participate in community service activities related to this course, participate in related leadership activities outside the classroom at the local, regional, state, and/or national level, and explain how students will be engaged in activities that extend learning beyond the classroom/laboratory into the community and provide real world value. Equivalency’s =/> CTSO’s rebecca

5 Tool Development According to RCW 28C Law: “…Working with the directors or executive secretaries of these organizations, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction may develop tools for the coordination of leadership activities with the curriculum of technical education programs.” Building from a year’s worth of work – taking into consideration feedback from 2 task force meetings and recognizing the need for a decision and product to be finalized We drafted and shared a document with committee members prior to WA-ACTE – with the goal to finalize by WA-ACTE Conference to be rolled out and shared. It was a tight timeline! Goal: Finalize the “Tool” we will be using for student leadership requirements mary

6 Convened a Task Force CTSO directors
Also included broad field representation:  CTE directors  WA-ACTE director and section representatives  Skill center representatives  Teachers mary

7 Parameters Standards: 4.1 Leadership and employability skill development for all students is a required and integral component of all CTE courses. 4.1.c These skills are developed and practiced at the highest professional level through integration of aligned state-recognized Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs). Documentation ensures that CTE programs have high integrity and maximum impact to student experience Improvement is possible for ALL student leadership opportunities; CTSOs and other options Student Leadership should be student led with Advisor guidance OSPI is required to provide structure and guidance – Committee feedback is valuable input Extended learning and leadership is a requirement of CTE programs mary

8 CTSO Requirement Example
Must establish a chapter and Affiliate through the national affiliation system Must have a minimum of 12 members and elect an officer team Must establish a constitution and bylaws (which aligns with state and national) Members must have been enrolled or currently enrolled in a CTE course as CTSO is intra-curricular Must be recognized by ASB Must be advised by the CTE instructor Must affiliate and pay dues on an annual basis by Some require a POW and annual report mary

9 CTSO’s of Washington Business & Marketing Agriculture
Family and Consumer Sciences Health Sciences Skilled and Technical Sciences STEM Est. 1943 Est. 1928 Est. 1945 Est. 1976 Est. 1965 Est. 1978 Est. 1994 Est. 1940 +11,000 members 215,000 ~9,000 members 629,327 ~2,300 members 160,000 1,440 members +200,000 ~2,772 members 318,071 ~2,800 Members 233,000 4,400 4,002 members 250,000 Lori Hairston Abbie DeMeerleer Deb Handy Karen Hay Terri Lufkin Jennifer Smith Larry Howe Lindsay Andreotti mary CTSO’s of Washington 6/26/2018

10 Resources CTSOs Extended Leadership Companion Guide
Take a closer look at the tool! mary

11 First Component: Organizational Structure

12 CTE Student Leadership

13 Program Component Rebecca

14 Area: Program Component
Organization and Management Planning and Evaluation Community Service Financial and Fundraising Competitive Events Leadership Development Student Recognition Employability and Career Skills Public Relations and Advocacy Recreation and Social Activities Other (Please Describe) Rebecca What additions could be made to this area to provide additional guidance?

15 Program of Work Program Components: These represent the consistent program components/areas across all CTSOs and represent the minimum areas of development for local programs of work for leadership equivalents: Organization and Management Planning and Evaluation Community Service Financial and Fundraising Competitive Events Leadership Development Student Recognition Employability and Career Skills Public Relations and Advocacy Recreation and Social Activities Other May be selected utilizing drop down menu Rebecca

16 Activity/Event Description and Date
After selecting Program Component, click to enter the activity/event name and provide a description of the activity/event. The text box will expand as text is entered Click to enter the expected completion date Rebecca

17 Focused 21st Century Skill
Select the main Washington CTE 21st Century Leadership Skill that aligns with the activity  Utilizing the drop down menu and the associated Washington CTE 21st Century Skills list, determine the appropriate alignment level Reference the Washington CTE 21st Century Leadership Skill for more information rebecca

18 CTE Student Leadership

19 Both

20 Contacts Mary Nagel Program Supervisor
Family and Consumer Sciences Education W: (360) | M: (360) Rebecca Wallace Program Supervisor Agriculture Rebecca W: (360) George Aszklar Director Career and Technical Education W: (360) Mary

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