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Welcome Back! Happy 1st day of School!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Happy 1st day of School!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! Happy 1st day of School!

2 Do Now: Find the folder with your name on it and sit in that seat.
Make sure you introduce yourself to your tablemates, if you do not know them already!

3 Basics- Who am I? Ms. Sandra Stonebraker aka Stoney Room 339

4 Fun Facts About Me! 1. I love musical theater. A lot.

5 Fun Facts About Me! 2. I’m a total klutz

6 Fun Facts About Me! 3. I love Corny jokes. The cornier the better.

7 DMJ Daily Math Joke Will be on the back board next to the schedule and will change on a daily (hopefully) basis. Will always be math related If you don’t get it; ask your group members If they don’t get it; ask Ms. Stonebraker.

8 Homework Due Friday Now that you know about me…. I want to get to know you! Journal Entry #1 Due Friday– first homework assignment of the term! Be as honest as possible * College Algebra F is due Monday (you don’t have me Friday)

9 Folders Folders live in the classroom- when you exit my classroom, the folders get put back in the bin! Do not destroy your folder; it needs to last the entire year Left Side: To You Right Side: To Stonebraker/Stoney

10 Folder vs. Binder What goes in my folder? What goes in my math binder?
Do Now/Exit Ticket Homework Check Ins Notes/Concerns Things that I grade and hand back What goes in my math binder? Notes Corrected Homework/Assessments Review Packets

11 Grading Policy- Algebra
75% Assessments 15% Homework 10% Classwork

12 Grading Policy- Calculus
85% Assessments 15% Work

13 The New Schedule…. Be Aware
This year things will be different You may have only a half period of review before a quiz, I may teach the first half. Quizzes may only end up taking half the period, and then I teach for the other half You may not have the same exact homework assignment/test dates as people in my other courses. You may have a day of review with me, no class the next day, and then a test the following day. You have quizzes/tests on Mondays! Bottom Line: Be Aware

14 Late Policy Homework can be handed in up to three days late.
One point per day will be deducted from the grade Past three days, homework will not be accepted for credit.

15 Materials Pencil/Writing Utensil Binder
**Yes. Binder. You need a binder******* Calculator- TI-83 or TI-84 is preferred

16 Classroom Rules and Expectations

17 Be on Time If you are late…. Bring a late pass Come to class prepared
Pencil Calculator Homework Binder

18 Food/Drink **Addendum to Syllabus: Any drink is acceptable. Please clean up after yourself. Leave it on the desk (so no one trips over it) AND if it makes the dewy ring, wipe it up!

19 No Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
One Exception: Calculator ****Note: Cell phones are NOT considered calculators! ** I have a few extra calculators to use during class if need be. But don’t rely on them!

20 Be Respectful Of Yourself Of Me Of the room
PLEASE: Don’t write on the desks or store disgusting trash in them!

21 Common Issues: Absence Bathroom Policy Confusions? Fire Drill

22 Do Now: Find your folder on the table near my desk
Sit in the same seat you were assigned yesterday Turn to the people at your table, introduce yourselves if you don’t know them already, and tell them briefly about your day so far!

23 I was Absent Check your folder for all missed handouts/homework assignments Check my website to access the notes/powerpoint presentation you missed It is your responsibility to catch up on what you missed by talking to either a peer and/or me. Do NOT come to me at the start of class asking what you missed. Assessments: Come talk to me about when to make it up. After school or study hall only.

24 I gotta Pee! Ideally, go before class. You have four minutes to transition from class to class. Use it wisely Do NOT ask to go during instruction, unless it is an emergency. Wait until small group/individual practice times. Hand Signal Properly sign out/back in- take the hall pass.

25 IF you have a SERIOUS emergency, just leave. We will talk later
However…. IF you have a SERIOUS emergency, just leave. We will talk later *This should be extremely rare.

26 I still don’t get it! It’s okay- it happens to everyone
Ask questions in class- if we are doing individual/small group work, call me over or talk to your peers! Use your resources! Come after or before school during office hours me NHS Tutoring Go on the website to re-access the notes, etc.

27 School Policies Cheating- Don’t Do It Extra Credit
Red vs. Yellow Tiers Extra Credit Doesn’t Exist Grade will solely based on the categories mentioned before

28 Emergency Alarms: Procedures for Fire Alarm Shelter in place Lockdown

29 Daily Routines- Entering the Classroom
1. Find your folder 2. Sit down in your assigned seats– seating will change approximately once a month Within about thirty seconds, you should be working on the do now problem(s) On the Do Now sheet Or on the sheet I hand you when you walk in the door

30 Calc Kids-- Homework Assignment Where does it go?

31 Questions? ASK ASK ASK!

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