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Endotracheal Tube Pressure Monitor

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Presentation on theme: "Endotracheal Tube Pressure Monitor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Endotracheal Tube Pressure Monitor
Client: Dr. Lester Proctor Professor of Anesthesiology Advisor: Dr. Paul Thompson Andrew Bremer Colleen Farrell Val Maharaj Deborah Yagow

2 Overview Problem Statement Background Information Client Requirements
Design Alternatives Design Matrix Final Design and Future Work References

3 Problem Statement Dr. Lester Proctor has expressed the need for a pressure indicator which would be used for endotracheal tubes. Over inflation of the cuff on an ET tube can cause tracheal damage, especially in children, and Dr. Proctor is looking for a qualitative indicator which would be attached to the ET tube and would give a consistent reading on the pressure in the inflated cuff.

4 Background Information
Intubation Practice on STAN Intubated Patient [Source:

5 Client Requirements Cheap and disposable Size Consistent measurement
Permanently attached to ET tube Versatile enough to use on any size ET tube Meets FDA safety requirements

6 Alternative Design 1: Mechanical Spring
Continuing prototype Air pressure compresses spring Indicating stem Colors represent pressure ranges T-Valve Mechanical Spring Design (Endotracheal 17)

7 Alternative Design 2: Revised Mechanical Spring
Clear cylinder Internal indicator Air escape Revised Mechanical Spring Design

8 Alternative Design 3: Enclosed Balloon
Balloon inside cylinder Attaches over lead tube Acts as indicator Inflates according to cuff pressure

9 Alternative Design 4: Electric Pressure Transducer
Silicone diaphragm containing strain gauges Wheatstone Bridge Comparators LED lights or LCD digital display readout Omega PX DV Low Cost Silicon Pressure Sensor with Millivolt Output

10 Alternative Design 5: Color Changing Plastic
New technology Used as balloon or diaphragm Plastic film changes color as stretched Different colors represent pressure ranges Plastic Film (Source: Interactive Imaging Solutions)

11 Color Changing Plastic
Design Matrix Category Weight of Category Electronic Mechanical Spring Balloon Revised Spring Color Changing Plastic Safety 5 3 4 Ease of Use 15 11 13 14 Client Preference 10 8 6 Effectiveness Price 20 16 Size 17 Durability/ Repeatability 7 1 Ease of Manufacturing Total 100 54 80 81 85 65

12 Final Design Revised mechanical spring design Rolling diaphragm

13 Future Work Material Research Build prototype Testing
Calculation of spring constants Calibration of indicating segments Build prototype Testing

14 References Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure Indicator. December University of Wisconsin- Madison Biomedical Engineering Department. 28 February < Cuff_Pressure_Indicator.pdf> Hi-Lo® Tracheal Tube with Lanz® Pressure Regulating Valve Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC. 28 February < Hydraulics and Pneumatics Penton Media Inc. 29 Feb < Introduction to Pressure Transducers Omega Engineering. 28 Feb < Proctor L Professor. Departments of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, WI Pers. Comm.. SolidWorks Software Education Edition. Copyright SolidWorks Corporation. Spray SB, Zuidema GD, Cameron JL. Aspiration pneumonia; incidence of aspiration with endotracheal tubes. Am J Surg. 1976;131:701–703. Surface Inspection System for Plastic Film & Sheet. Interactive Imaging Solutions. 5 March <,20,left_E230F666,plastic,film,sheet,surface,inspection.html> Webster, J.G. (ed.) Bioinstrumentation. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

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