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NECEMA Réseau Maghrébin prometteur

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Presentation on theme: "NECEMA Réseau Maghrébin prometteur"— Presentation transcript:

1 NECEMA Réseau Maghrébin prometteur
الشبكة المغاربية لتطبيق و احترام القوانين البيئية NECEMA Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in the Maghreb NECEMA Réseau Maghrébin prometteur Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in the Maghreb Brahim Zyani, Director of Regulation and Control SEEE/Morocco Istanbul April 2010

2 Missions The goals of NECEMA are : Promoting the conformity to environmental law requirements in the Maghreb region; Reinforcing environmental law and strengthening existing environmental control systems in the region.

3 Objectives NECEMA’s objectives are to: Develop the cooperation between Maghreb countries on law enforcement; Strengthen the legal capacities for the law enforcement and compliance ; and Develop the exchange of good practices on environmental law enforcement and compliance.

4 Action Plan Assist efforts of Maghreb countries in developing an integrated strategy on environmental law compliance; Develop the cooperation between countries in the region; Strengthen the legal and administrative capacities of institutions in the Maghreb countries responsible for the protection of environment.

5 Action Plan content

6 Perspectives Develop an assessment on state of the environmental law and its application in the Maghreb region; Capacity building : provide training for inspectors together with VROM; Organise communication actions: improve regularity of the NECEMA newsletter (half-yearly); Assess and compare the environmental legislation systems in the Maghreb region; Promote the enforcement of environmental law to local authorities; Review the possibility to put in place an information exchange platform between Maghreb countries.

7 الشبكة المغربية لتطبيق و احترام القوانين البيئية
NECEMAR Réseau marocain de l’application et du respect des lois environnementales Network of Compliance and Enforcement of Morroco الشبكة المغربية لتطبيق و احترام القوانين البيئية

8 Why such network? Fill in the needs in terms of connecting national capacities with common objectives in the field of environment and sustainable development; Take advantage of a favorable climate for awareness raising regarding the importance of environment within the development process in Morocco (National Charter on Environment and Sustainable Development); Come within the framework of the dynamic of an international networking as factor of good environmental governance.

9 For what objectives? Contribute to the promotion efforts towards environmental law enforcement in Morocco; Promote the exchange of information and knowledge between the network members; Develop and strengthen the cooperation between institutions, and between institutions and other partners (universities, medias, NGOs…)

10 How ? Thematic conferences Meetings / debates
Capacity building sessions Newsletter Briefing sessions Study trips Site visits


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