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Pulsed Magnetic Measurements. Technical description.

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1 Pulsed Magnetic Measurements. Technical description.
Optical sensor based on Faraday effect: Polarization of light, passing through a magneto-optical crystal, is rotated by magnetic field; To enhance resolution/accuracy, polarization plane must be rotated multiple times by 360° (i.e. high Verdet constant) within the intended current range; Count number of full rotations and angle of partial rotation. Connected via fibre optics to measurement system  very high isolation voltage. Initially developed at ETHZ as by-product of a PhD. Sketch of Faraday effect in a cylindrical magneto-optical crystal Possible arrangement of the magneto-optical crystal between two conductors of a busbar

2 Pulsed Magnetic Measurements. Overview summary.
Goal Primary goal: High bandwidth, high accuracy pulsed current and field measurement Secondary goal: Vacuum compatible and radiation resistant Timescale to possible deployment Medium term for prototype CLIC DR IA (~3+ years?) Medium-long term for meas. current in existing kicker systems (5+ years) Long term for meas. field in existing kicker systems (vacuum compatible, rad. resist.) Long term for FCC Gains w.r.t. present technology High accuracy current, direct measurement of pulsed field (e.g. Tc of ferrite exceeded?) Possible deployment scope Kicker systems in general: initially MKI & MKP-L (current & field)? Ongoing activity domains - projects and present resource levels FCC [<0.1 STAFF] Present status and outlook Collaboration with ETH Zurich under discussion (PhD student to be at ETHZ) – possible financing from TE & CHART (Swiss Collaboration on Accelerator Research and Technology) Section Involvement BTP X EC EDS KSC PPE Xx SE

3 Pulsed Electric Measurements. Technical description.
Resistive dividers (can be capacitively compensated) e.g. for PFN voltage: generally limited bandwidth Capacitive dividers for pulse measurement e.g. kicker magnet input and output Fibre optic electric field sensor: Based on electric-optical effect – refractive index varies according to Kerr effect. Commercial units available (e.g. Agiltron Inc.) – based on probing dual-fibre with a laser (1550nm, 20mW at 100MHz).

4 Pulsed Electric Measurements. Overview summary.
Goal High bandwidth, high accuracy pulsed voltage and field measurement Timescale to possible deployment Medium-long term for meas. current in existing kicker systems (5+ years) Long term for meas. field in existing kicker systems Gains w.r.t. present technology Fibre optic system  low noise Possible deployment scope Kicker systems in general Ongoing activity domains - projects and present resource levels None Present status and outlook Research ongoing, e.g. on optical fibers at Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Sweden. Section Involvement BTP X EC XX EDS KSC PPE SE ??

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