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Conserve Water Manal Desai 4B.

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1 Conserve Water Manal Desai 4B

2 Like God pervading everywhere! Waste not this nectar ,nor spoil
Water Ways By: Manal Desai Elixir of life ,pure and healthy Like God pervading everywhere! Waste not this nectar ,nor spoil For it is life and Sustains life Protect water no squandering Health is water and water is health Mother Earth retains water Pregnant clouds delivers of it, And we the humans should Preserve it at any coast!

3 The Earth is covered by about 70% of water.
Did you know that how much freshwater is left to drink? The global percentage of saltwater vs. freshwater is only 2.5 percent .Of all 2 % of freshwater is locked with ice or glaciers. Only 1 percent of freshwater is freshwater. You really need to save water.

4 : An average person would need 5 gallons of fresh water
each day to survive. My number of gallons does include water for bathing and washing clothes. My number does include water to grow food to eat. : An average person in United States of America use 151 gallons each day . My number of gallons does include water for bathing and washing clothes . My number doesn’t include water needed to grow food to eat.

5 The 2 facts about the global water crisis are:
1% of the 2.5% of water that is fresh is ready for people to drink. It shows that even though Earth nickname is the Watery Planet only because the Earth is covered by 70% of water and 66% is about 70%. The 2 facts about the global water crisis are: 1. There is only1% of freshwater is ready for us to drink. 2. We use water in many different ways. About 1 billion people do not have access to clean drinking water. It is difficult for many people to find clean drinking water because in their home they don’t have water. The disease cholera happens when you don’t have enough clean water.

6 Click here to see my Excel project about Water Conservation.
These are facts how to save water: Turn of the faucet while you are brushing. Use less water while you are showering than having a bath. You can fix the leak in the toilet. Don’t water your plants in the afternoon because the plants would need more water. Help your parents fix a leaky faucet so you don’t waste a gallon of water. Click here to see my Excel project about Water Conservation.

7 I have learned that only 1% percent of water is Freshwater
I have learned that only 1% percent of water is Freshwater. The thing that surprised me is that they are many people who don’t have water. My actions affect how much water I use By, there is a disease that can affect if we don’t drink water. If I didn’t have access to water my life will be hard. I would be willing to give up my life. Water is Life .

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