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Lesson 4 Stories from Luke cont. John 10:22-39

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1 Lesson 4 Stories from Luke 10-13 cont. John 10:22-39
Life of Christ Lesson 4 Stories from Luke cont. John 10:22-39

2 Beware of Hypocrisy (Luke 12:1-3)
While they are debating, an INNUMERABLE multitude gathered together, so they were trampled Pharisees began to assail Him vehemently They cross-examined him about many things Lying in wait for Him Seeking to catch Him What about the people? Jesus then turns to the people, and says BEWARE of the leaven of the Pharisees (Hypocrisy). Nothing is covered that will not be revealed. (Remember the unmarked tombs). Things said in secret will be shouted from the housetop.

3 True Fear (Luke 12:4-7) Remember 11:53-12:1
Don’t fear these men who can throw you out of the Synagogue even kill you. FEAR HIM who can cast you into hell after killing the body. There were 5 sparrows sold for two copper coins and God didn’t forget about them. How much more important are you than man sparrows? God even knows the number of hairs on your head. Don’t be afraid, God can and will take care of you.

4 Attitude Towards Material Things (Lk: 12:22)
DO NOT WORRY Your life, clothes or food God feeds the ravens and of how much more value are you than they? By worrying which of you can add a cubit to your stature? If you can’t control the least of these things (like your height), then why worry about the rest? Don’t seek food and drink and DON’T have an anxious mind (v.29) The nations seek after these things YOU SEEK THE KINGDOM OF GOD and these things will be added DO NOT FEAR, GOD HAS MADE UP HIS MIND TO GIVE YOU THE KINGDOM Sell what you have and give alms to the poor This will provide you money that will never grow old WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS there your heart will be also! Do we see a theme between the seventy sent out, “Lord teach us to pray”, and this story?

5 The Faithful Servant (Lk 12:35-48)
Be clothed and have your light ready Be ready to greet your master and open immediately when he returns from the wedding feast Blessed are those servants whom the master finds watching and waiting If the master finds them watching and waiting He will switch rolls and seat them and serve them food. Even if he comes in the second watch or third watch Likewise, if a master of a house knew what time a thief was planning to break in and steal something Therefore YOU BE READY BECAUSE THE SON OF MAN will come at a time we do not expect.

6 The Faithful Servant (Lk 12:35-48)
Peter asked, “Lord do you speak to us only or to all people?” Jesus’ answer Blessed is that servant whom his master finds watching/waiting He warns them not to become weary and begin to mistreat the male and female servants. If the master comes and find they have mistreated The master will come at a time that is unexpected He cut him in two and cast him out with the unbelievers. The one who knew his master’s will and did it NOT will be beaten with many strips The one who didn’t know but committed sin worthy of stripes will be beaten with few stripes. To those who much is given, MUCH is expected So what was the answer to Peter’s question?

7 Christ the “Watershed” (Luke 12:49-53)
Christ has come to send fire on the earth (cause division) “How I wish it was already kindled!” He has another major obstacle “His baptism” Do you think I came to bring peace? Three vs. Two – or - Two vs. Three Father vs. Son; mother vs. daughter; mother-in-law vs. daughter-in-law What is happening among the people and leaders?

8 Discern the Time (Luke 12:54-56)
You know how to discern the sky You see clouds in the west you predict a shower and it happens You see a south wind you predict a scorching heat and it happens You Hypocrites, You can discern the sky and earth but you can’t discern the times? They should be seeing and recognizing the signs of Christ as the Messiah

9 Confess Christ before Men (Luke 12:8-12)
Whoever confesses Christ before men, Christ will confess before the Father in Heaven. Whoever denies Christ before men, will be denied before the Angels of God. He who speaks against the Son of Man can be forgiven He who blasphemes the Holy Spirit can not be forgiven. When they take you before the Synagogue, DON’T WORRY about what to say. The Holy Spirit will teach you what to say What do we use this passage to teach?

10 Repent or Perish (Luke 13:1-5)
Pilate had mixed their (Galileans) blood with the blood of the sacrifices Were these Galileans worse sinners than others? NO -> but unless you repent you will all likewise perish Jesus asks, were the eighteen who were killed when the Tower of Siloam fell worse sinners than others? NO -> but unless you repent you will likewise perish. What do we use this passage to teach?

11 Barren Fig Tree (Luke 13:6-9)
A certain man had a fig tree planted Finds no fruit After expecting fruit for three years he said, CUT IT DOWN (why should it waste the ground) The keeper replied, Sir, let it alone this year also Let me dig around it and add fertilize If it doesn’t bear fruit this year Then cut it down! Interesting that Jesus had been preaching and working with the Jews for about 3 years at this time Lesson: BEAR FRUIT

12 A Spirit of Infirmity (Luke 13:10-17)
Jesus is teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath There was a women there who had an infirmity and couldn’t stand up straight for 18 years When Jesus saw her, He called her over and said, “You are loosed from your infirmity!” He laid His hands on her and she was “IMMEDIATELY” better She glorified God (She knew where the power came from) The ruler of the synagogue was furious There are six days when people should work Therefore come and be healed on one of them NOT on the Sabbath Jesus answered, “Hypocrite!” Does not each of you loose his donkey and lead him to water on the Sabbath? Should this women whom Satan had bound not be loosed on the Sabbath? When he said this, His adversaries were PUT TO SHAME The multitude rejoiced

13 Mustard Seed & Leaven (Luke 13:18-21)
Then Jesus said, What is the kingdom of God like? It is like a mustard seed (smallest seed) A man planted in his garden It grew and became a large tree The birds of the air rest in its branches It is like leaven A women adds it to three measures of meal It leavened the whole What are the points?

14 Narrow Way (Luke 13:22-33) Jesus teaches as He travels through the cities and villages Someone ask, “Lord, are there few who will be saved?” Seek to enter through the narrow gate Many will seek to enter but will not be able too Once the master of the house has risen and closed the door, and you being standing outside and knocking, begging to enter. You will say “Lord, Lord open for us” I do not know you, where you are from. You will reply We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets He will reply, Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourself thrust out There will be those there from the North, South East and West (Jews and Gentiles) The last (Gentiles) will be first and the first (Jews) will be last

15 Narrow Way (Luke 13:22-33) Some of the Pharisees came to him and said, “Get out and depart from here, for Herod wants to kill You!” Jesus response Go tell that fox (crafty person) Behold I cast out demons I heal the sick I must do this today and tomorrow (my time has not yet come) When my time comes (third day) I will be perfected Jesus also said, I must journey today, tomorrow and on the third day toward Jerusalem A prophet should not perish outside of Jerusalem

16 O Jerusalem, O Jerusalem (Luke 13:34-35)
What had Jerusalem done? What was “Jerusalem” about to do to Jesus? What was Jesus’ attitude toward Jerusalem? Lesson: If we could have the same loving and forgiving spirit!

17 The Shepherd Knows His Sheep (John 10:22-30)
What have we learned about Jesus as a shepherd? What was the reaction in Jn 10:19-21? It was the “Feast of Dedication” in Jerusalem

18 The Shepherd Knows His Sheep (John 10:22-30)
The Jews surround Him and say, “How long do You keep us in doubt? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly. Jesus responds, “I told you and you did not believe” The works I do in my Father’s name bear witness of me My sheep hear My voice, I know them and they follow me I and My Father are one I give them eternal life They shall never perish No one can snatch them out of My (My Father’s hand) This does not teach “once saved always saved” What does it teach?

19 Jews Try to Stone Jesus (John 10:31-39)
Jews take up stones to kill Jesus Jesus : “For which good work do you stone me?” Jews: “Not for good works but for blasphemy” Jesus: If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe me. But if I do, though you do not believe me Believe the works Jews: Sought to stone him again Jesus: Escapes

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