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Find the nouns in the text

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1 Find the nouns in the text
leopard Osebo Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

2 Find the nouns in the text
leopard Onini Osebo python drum elephant day Esono animals Asroboa Nyame monkey forest mask reward Achi-cheri tortoise creature shell pot Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

3 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'
The ‘k’ at the beginning of these words was sounded hundreds of years ago knock, know, knee Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

4 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'
ie pie tie Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

5 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'
LC Find the verbs in the text. went made played came wished wanted disappeared look admired moved was were hopped had did heard sealed pushed taught thought These verbs are past tense. Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

6 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'
LC Find the verbs in the text. give lend try am look admire try climb watch get protect squeeze These verbs are present tense and they were found in the speech. Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

7 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'
LC Find alternative past tense verbs. went strolled walked swung leaped stomped disappeared stumbled slithered sprinted tip-toed hopped crept sped hurried Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

8 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'
The ‘k’ and ‘g’ at the beginning of these words was sounded hundreds of years ago gnat gnaw Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

9 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'
i-e Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

10 i-e bike mile smile line bite file time
Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

11 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future‘
LC Explain characters’ actions. Look at the second page. Explain how you know Nyame wanted the drum. He said he should have the drum. He also said he wanted it and asked for it. Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future‘

12 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future‘
LC Explain characters’ actions. Explain how your character tried to get the drum. How did your character feel? How do you know? Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future‘

13 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future‘
LC Find and copy Find and copy two adjectives for Osebo. 1. boastful 2. fierce You could have chosen proud as one of the adjectives. Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future‘

14 earners for the Future‘
1. boast means someone is showing off. 2. fierce means an animal is dangerous because it might attack you. 3. proud means you are pleased about something. earners for the Future‘

15 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future‘
Find and copy one word which tells you that Esono was looking at the drum because he was impressed? admiring ‘Esono was admiring the drum.’ Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future‘

16 earners for the Future‘
1. admire means that you look at someone or something because you think it is good. earners for the Future‘

17 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'
LC Plan a speech for a character.. Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

18 word, work, worm, world, worth
The /ɜ:/ sound spelt or after w word, work, worm, world, worth Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

19 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'
Tricky words every everybody everyone Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

20 Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'
Dictation Every time I gnaw a worm I know my knees will knock. Mount Primary School - 'Creating Learners for the Future'

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