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Small methanol engines

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1 Small methanol engines
- a possible green bridge from sea to shore Joakim Bomanson

2 A short history EffShip - identified methanol Stena Scanrail - pilot installation Stena Germanica - first full scale test Experience for: Class, flag, engine manufacturers, designers, etc CRI

3 Why marine? SECA – 2015 Large operators Easy infrastructure
Limits on SOx in northern Europe, US coastlines Large operators Easy infrastructure Defined ports and schedule CRI

4 Waterfront shipping – Stena Line

5 Next target Inland waterways, costal “Small engines” – 250-1000 kW
Main engine for small vessels Auxiliary for small ships, inland water ways Very similar to engines for larger agricultural and forestry heavy machinery CRI

6 Ships offer good opportunity for introduction of new fuel
Ship “independent” of engine Space available for retrofit solutions Multiple engines – redundancy No need for network of fuel stations (in the beginning) CRI

7 Next step for marine methanol
Advance engine technology for smaller engines Investigate methanol combustion concepts and ship fuel system that will lead to cost effective alternatives Provide recommendations for introduction of methanol to costal and inland waterway vessels CRI

8 Main drivers for the next step
Vision of zero net emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere in Sweden by 2050. Impact of particles has gained more and more attention as a big health risk Global warming can be limited to 2 degrees with major technological and institutional change CRI

9 Large operators – small engines
1591 65 30 3240 1401 6313 2747 CRI

10 SUMMETH Development of engine technology Lund University, Sweden
VTT, Finland Scania Design of methanol retrofit for road ferry Development of rules and safe design for non-SOLAS ship Arrangement of auxiliary systems on board Market analysis and strategy Financed through: CRI

11 Green Pilot Demonstration of methanol propulsion on a small craft

12 Small Methanol Engines
What we need APPROVED APPROVED Small Methanol Engines Safe Design Green Methanol CRI

13 Fuel supply? no Annual oil consumption [ton]
Methanol alternative [ton] Road ferries 65 11 500 24 500 Pilot boats 30 2 700 5 800 Ice breakers 5 8 300 27 700 CRI

14 Horizon 2020 –FORMAGE Demo of most promising advanced liquid bio fuel pathways GHG neutral fuel for: Smaller marine applications Farm and forest equipment CRI

15 CRI

16 Joakim Bomanson
Thank you Joakim Bomanson CRI

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