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Principal Evaluation Update

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1 Principal Evaluation Update
School Leader Evaluation System Design and Implementation June 3, 2015

2 Designing and Implementing a School Leader Evaluation System: Background Information

3 Effective Teachers and Effective Leaders: The Big Picture
Recruiting Teachers & Building a Strong Pool Providing Useful Appraisals (TADS) Helping All Teachers Grow Selecting, Hiring, and Onboarding Top Talent Human Resources Human Resources (Selection & Hiring) Office of School Support (School Leader Support in Selecting, Hiring and Onboarding Teachers) Office of School Support (Managing Implementation) Academics (Design & Policy) (Building & Monitoring Systems) Office of School Support (School Leader Support) Rewarding & Retaining Top Teachers Effective Teachers Increase Student Achievement All Departments Recruiting Leaders & Building a Strong Pool Human Resources Selecting, Hiring, and Onboarding Top Talent Human Resources (Selection & Hiring) Office of School Support (Selection & Support) Evaluating School Leadership Office of School Support (Design, Policy and Implementation) Supporting School Leaders Human Resources & Office of School Support (Design and Implementation) MIKE: 2 MIN The big picture is that over the past several years, the district has continued to prioritize teaching and school leadership by ensuring there is an effective teacher in every classroom and an effective leader in every building. As school leaders, we know first-hand how essential a strong leader is to the success of our teachers and students. For this reason, we have focused on ensuring there is an effective leader in every building by: Ensuring we are recruiting, selecting and hiring the best and brightest leadership candidates and providing them top-notch support so they can start the year strong; Supporting leaders with professional development resources As we continue to work to provide our leaders with the support they deserve, it is essential that we have a common set of expectations for effective (and transformational) school leadership. Animation. This year, we will begin the process of designing a multiple-measure school leader evaluation system that will provide school leaders a complete picture of their performance. It is absolutely critical for us to have a complete picture of our leaders’ performance in order for us to provide them with the development opportunities they deserve—either through targeted feedback or professional development opportunities. Today I will provide you a brief update on progress on the school leader evaluation work. Effective Leaders

4 Proposed Implementation Timeline
Build Infrastructure System Design (working groups and focus groups will meet during this time to develop system instruments such as the rubric) Full System Implementation Fall Staff Review Spring Staff Review MIKE: 1 MIN Read text on slide. Staff Review is a process where principal assessors will analyze school leader student outcomes data along with other qualitative data points and use that data to inform coaching and support opportunities for school leaders.

5 Designing the School Leader Evaluation System Observation Rubric

6 Our Starting Point MIKE: 1 MIN
A group of HISD staff that has been tasked with the design and implementation of the school leader evaluation system has identified the New Leaders for New Schools principal evaluation rubric as the instrument that closely aligns with best practices at HISD. This group has to evaluate 8 other rubrics and felt that the New Leaders rubric was the best suited for the HISD context. However, there is work to be done to customize the New Leaders rubric to align with HISD’s vision for the 21st century leader.

7 Working Group: Composition and Selection
5 Working Groups (per rubric domain) Scholar and Adult Culture; Instruction and Planning; Observation and Feedback; Data-Driven Decision Making; Personal Leadership and Growth Each Group’s Composition 1 lead facilitator 3 principals (1 from ad hoc) 2 assistant principals 1 School Support Officer 1-2 HISD central staff member 1 notetaker MIKE: 1 MIN Read text on slide. Advisory Group Selection Principals nominated by SSOs, principal associations SSOs nominated by appropriate Chiefs Central Office staff nominated by appropriate Chiefs

8 Scope and Sequence of Working Group Meetings
Date Topic Overview Aug Kick-off meeting (whole group): Introduce working group charge; Develop guiding design principles. Meeting 2 (first half whole group; second half domain-specific groups): Review working group charge; Decide on guiding design principles; Develop common understanding of the domain the group is working on. Sept Meeting 3 (domain-specific groups): Make and discuss recommendations on indicator used to support a “proficient” rating under each criteria. Large group summit (whole group): Representatives from each advisory group share updates with the whole group and gather feedback. Oct Meetings 4 and 5 (domain-specific group): Make and discuss recommendations on indicators used to support ratings of a Level 4, 2, and 1. Nov Meeting 6: Provide final recommendations for revisions to indicators MIKE: 1 MIN Read text on slide.

9 Thank you

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