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Slide’s title Subtitle (if there is one) Date and location Speakers:

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Presentation on theme: "Slide’s title Subtitle (if there is one) Date and location Speakers:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide’s title Subtitle (if there is one) Date and location Speakers:
Name and Last Name

2 LSA SAS (Land Surface Analisys for Servers and Services)
Frascati, Speakers: Carlos Vicente

3 Service Overview (Why LSA SAS?)
Service Products (LST and DSLF) Service Design Service Intregration Experience Expectations Contacts and Links

4 SAF NWC O3M CLM LSA OSI GRAS NWP H Land Surface Analisys (LSA)
Project Management by IM Engeering Coordination by EDISOFT (Sattelite Application Facilities) Processing load descentralization into dedicated centres LSA SAF Products: LST (Land Surface Temperature) DSLF (Down-welling Surface Long-wave Radiation Flux) DSSF (Down-welling Surface Short-wave Radiation Flux) ALBEDO (Surface Albedo) SC (Snow Cover) ET (Evapotranspiration) VEGA (Vegetation Products – FVC, LAI and fAPAR) FRP (Fire Radiative Power) LSA SAS distributed products

5 Service Overview (Why LSA SAS?)
Service Products (LST and DSLF) Service Design Service Integration experience Expectations Contacts and Links

6 Land Surface Temperature (LST)
Spatial Resolution 5km x 5km Temporal Resolution 15 minutes Main Input Data MSG/SEVIRI channels: IR10.8 IR12.0 Cloud Mask from SAF NWC Distribution All products are distributed in four geographical areas: Euro (Europe) NAfr (Northen Africa) SAfr (Shouthern Africa) SAme (Shouthern America) Release 7.2 ( )

7 Down-welling Surface Long-wave Radiation Flux (DSLF)
Spatial Resolution 5km x 5km Temporal Resolution 30 minutes Main Input Data SAF NWP data: 2m temperature 2m dew point SAF NWC data Cloud Mask Efective Cloudiness Total Precipitable Water (from NWC or NWP) Distribution All products are distributed in four geographical areas: Euro (Europe) NAfr (Northen Africa) SAfr (Shouthern Africa) SAme (Shouthern America) Release 6.1 ( )

8 Service Overview (Why LSA SAS?)
Service Products (LST and DSLF) Service Design Service Integration experience Expectations Contacts and Links

9 Overall Architecture

10 Catalogue Interface EOLI 2.6 (not extended) Synchronous Yes Operation
searchRequest Workflow Default JDBC Connection Search Request Result Dataset Search result

11 Present Interface EOLI 2.6 (not extended) Synchronous Yes Operation
presentRequest Workflow Default JDBC Connection Result DataSet PresentRequest Get Product Extract Metadata Present result

12 LSA SAS FTP server usage
Order Interface SSE 1.6 (extended) Synchronous No Operation sendOrder Workflow Default Order Order Acknowledge Acknowledge Get Products Get Products Prepare Data Package Prepare Data Package Ftp Transfer Prepare URL Status / FTP URL Status LSA SAS FTP server usage Direct delivery to user FTP server Order result Order result

13 Service Overview (Why LSA SAS?)
Service Products (LST and DSLF) Service Design Service Integration experience Expectations Contacts and Links

14 Overall positive experience
TOOLBOX development environment and the tscript scripting language. TOOLBOX run-time environment, as an interface between the SSE Portal and service back-office processing. User friendly and easy service configuration on the SSE Portal. Helpful and quick support provided by the SSE Test Portal Support team.

15 Suggested Improvements
The provided training session proved to be more oriented to returning Service Providers that would like to implement new or refine already existent integrated Services. Service usage... The lack of a “Select All” link for the Catalogued results returned in the SSE Portal Service Search Page. On the Order Result page, every user defined XSD element and attribute is displayed. The mandatory existence of a column “Orbit Number” on the result of a EOLI Searh Operation (which is irrelevant for geostationary satellites). Technical... The lack of a numeric identifier on the EOLI interface Search result that could be used in the Present Operation.

16 Service Overview (Why LSA SAS?)
Service Products (LST and DSLF) Service Design Service Integration experience Expectations Contacts and Links

17 For the service... For the SSE Portal...
Widening of LSA products distribution. Increase LSA products visibility to the world. Increasing number of data orders, taking into consideration the unique type of data offered. Provide the user only the defined area of interest drawn. For the SSE Portal... Increase Webmap viewer performance.

18 Service Overview (Why LSA SAS?)
Service Products (LST and DSLF) Service Design Service Integration experience Expectations Contacts and Links

19 Contacts: Carlos Vicente – Cleber Balan – Reference Links: LSA SAF Webpage – EUMETSAT Webpage – EDISOFT Webpage – Instituto de Meteorologia –

20 ESA/ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei, CP 64 Frascati, 00044 Rome phone +39
ESA/ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei, CP 64 Frascati, Rome phone fax

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