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RCM Turbo SQL Version.

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Presentation on theme: "RCM Turbo SQL Version."— Presentation transcript:

1 RCM Turbo SQL Version

2 The new MySQL based version of RCM Turbo has now been released
The new MySQL based version of RCM Turbo has now been released. The following presentation provides a overview of the new look and feel as well as some of the new functions. There has been increasing demand within the user base for us to move to the SQL database format At the same time, Strategic’s own development plans called for a number of enhancements to ensure that RCM Turbo remains the world’s leading maintenance strategy development system This new version has also been developed to further facilitate the transfer of new optimized schedules to the target computerized maintenance management systems, including SAP. We have made the investment in formal SAP certification.

3 Once the MySQL Server and associated software has been installed, a login screen such as this will appear. Databases that already exist will be displayed. New RCM Turbo files are created using the traditional ‘File/New’ function

4 Here is the new display format
Here is the new display format. The equipment hierarchy is always visible on the left, while all entry screens and menus appear in the right panel.

5 A further implication of this is that Users can now partially complete ANY screen in RCM Turbo and ‘apply’ to save. This is a useful function during failure modes & effects analysis. In the older versions, RCM Turbo used to insist on certain minimal data entry. When changes are made to any fields displayed, an ‘Apply’ button will appear to ensure that the changes take effect

6 Here for instance, we see Zonal Inspections and Resources displayed.

7 Moving down to a Maintainable Item screen, we can always see where we are in the hierarchy

8 The main Failure Modes & Effects entry screen.

9 Note the addition of a Maintainable Item spares folder in the equipment tree. This represents the Bill of Materials for the MI under review

10 Note the new ‘crossed out’ failure mode icon
Note the new ‘crossed out’ failure mode icon. This indicates that the FM has not yet been optimized.

11 Clicking on a spare part from this list displays the main spares entry list, as used by SOS to optimize max/min levels

12 This screen displays all the locations in which the spare part is also utilized

13 The Primary Action screen.

14 The new format for adding and removing resources for each task

15 Spares required to carry out Primary, Secondary or Breakdown tasks can be added at the individual task screens. A list of spares already in the system, either from this MI or from the entire spares file is displayed below. You can select and add spares from this.

16 The new frequency optimization cost accumulation screen for breakdown consequence

17 The new frequency optimization cost accumulation screen for predictive or preventative tasks

18 The new optimal frequency display

19 The new Hidden Failure screen
The new Hidden Failure screen. There are now ‘TAB’s’ to move from Protected Unit to Protecting Unit and to nominate Resources. Note the new ‘Calculator’ button used to establish the FFI

20 The new Hidden Failure screen for entering Task Details

21 The new Hidden Failure screen for entering Resources required

22 Other Functions

23 The Failure Mode Library function

24 To obtain failure mode data from an existing corporate library, double click here
To obtain failure mode data from within the current RCM Turbo file, double click here

25 Existing Libraries will have been included within the SQL database and are accessible using logins and passwords

26 You can view the contents of any library in this manner
You can view the contents of any library in this manner. Both external libraries and internal temporary libraries can be examined. In this case, we are viewing an external library

27 In this case, we are viewing an internal library

28 The color schemes used by RCM Turbo are user definable
The color schemes used by RCM Turbo are user definable. Make your own selection from the color box:

29 An alternative layout

30 This function allows you to see where you have been within the RCM Turbo file and to return directly to any previously visited location in the file

31 The Green arrows also allow for quick back and forward navigation throughout the file.

32 The new Workload Menu

33 The new Auto Grouping Selection screen
You can now select all PU’s, all MI’s or individual selections within PU’s and MI’s using standard ‘CTL’ and ‘Shift’ functions where necessary.

34 If Auto Grouping results in errors (because of missing primary action frequencies for instance), the error report is now shown on the screen. This means that you can correct any problems by directly clicking on the offending record and fixing it immediately.

35 In the new version though, you should not see many missing records, because clicking on ‘Update’ for any optimization now results in the frequency being written directly to the Primary Action screen.

36 The frequency transferred from Optimization update

37 A Month based Cluster Graphic

38 When you want to create new Groups, you can now view the names and contents of any existing Groups. These can be a mixture of daily, weekly, monthly, yearly etc.

39 A Job Group Actions list
A Job Group Actions list. Now, this initial list is displayed at the ‘Optimize/Update Groups’ selection. We might wish to make all these Monthly Tasks. Updating the Group provides the next screen

40 We can now give this temporary Group a real name such as Monthly Task list. We can also fill in all other fields that will then be written directly to the Primary Action screens for each failure mode included in the Group. It is these fields and as many additional fields as needed that will be edited to reflect the requirements of your CMMS for eventual transfer of completed task lists.

41 Clicking on ‘Update’ will replace the Primary Task frequency for each failure mode in the Group to ‘1 Month’. It will also write all the other fields to each PA screen

42 See the next slide to view how each FM has been updated


44 A resource requirements graphic

45 All Report Lists are now displayed in this manner

46 CMMS Functions Step One
Use Standard RCM Turbo functions to create a task list - In this case, a seven day list

47 Here, we have used the Workload functions to automatically create a workgroup which will undertake tasks to be performed at 7 day intervals:

48 In the ‘Primary Action’ screen for each failure mode in the list, we could now enter the additional data that is required to facilitate transfer of schedules to the CMMS. This function though, will be far better addressed using the Group Update function.

49 The new Primary Action function where CMMS interface details are defined and or displayed. In this case the CMMS is SAP. The first of three new icons is for Task List data

50 User defined site specific inputs for each of the required CMMS elements are stored in a special file in the new version. End users just select from the list in each case. This is the ‘Task List’ data

51 The new Primary Action function where CMMS interface details are defined and or displayed. In this case the CMMS is SAP. The second of three new icons is for Plan data

52 User defined site specific inputs for each of the required CMMS elements are stored in a special file in the new version. End users just select from the list in each case. This is the ‘Plan’ data

53 The new Primary Action function where CMMS interface details are defined and or displayed. In this case the CMMS is SAP. The third of three new icons is for Schedule data

54 User defined site specific inputs for each of the required CMMS elements are stored in a special file in the new version. End users just select from the list in each case. This is the ‘Schedule’ data

55 Clicking on the CMMS name (in this case SAP) provides the following export/import functions:

56 These options generate files ready for transfer of data in the exact format expected by SAP

57 Importing and Converting Existing Data

58 A special conversion program has been written to take existing Microsoft Access based RCM Turbo files to SQL format. Library files are also converted using this function

59 The procedure is to locate your existing file and highlight it.
Then you ‘Create’ the new set of tables within the SQL database.

60 Finally, you click on ‘Import’ to generate the new file
Finally, you click on ‘Import’ to generate the new file. The import process also carries out a series of data integrity checks to ensure that the new RCM Turbo file is in good condition

61 This same conversion program is used for existing RCM Turbo system files, foreign language versions etc

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