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Mentor Training Tuesday 15th September

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Presentation on theme: "Mentor Training Tuesday 15th September"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentor Training Tuesday 15th September

2 Why nipt? nipt has been developed as a non profit making organisation which will strive to improve standards in teaching teachers trained for the profession in 2013 and only 11 failed the NQT year; once an NQT fails they can never teach in England again

3 More than 3 had the decision reversed on appeal
Of those 11… More than 3 had the decision reversed on appeal

4 Induction Co-ordinator(Me) School Principal (DHU)
There are four people.. NQT Induction Tutor (You) Induction Co-ordinator(Me) School Principal (DHU)

5 Initial Meeting Between you & the NQT
Need a thorough & clear understanding of the Teaching Standards Need a Development Plan Ensure the timetable is 10% less than a ordinary teacher; this equates to about an hour

6 Everything is Teaching Standard driven
Teaching Standards

7 NQT Development Plan

8 NQT Development Plan

9 Weekly Meetings These must be based around the Teaching Standards and how the NQT is addressing these standards; Box files and Evidence Trackers must be checked & discussed regularly.

10 These must be completed weekly and forwarded to both the NQT and me.
Mentor Meeting Notes These must be completed weekly and forwarded to both the NQT and me. But why?

11 Professional Programme
Date Theme Autumn 2015 8th September Register with nipt Create a BOX account 22nd September Development Plans; How to move forward 6th October Assessment & Feedback TS6 20th October Promote Good Progress and outcomes TS2 3rd November Preparing for lesson observations TS4 17th November ITTeachMeet Theme Home Learning EXC22-23 Time 1st December Preparing for Autumn Assessment nipt 15th December Evaluation; preparation for Spring 2016 Spring 2016 5th January 19th January EAL/ SEND 2nd February Differentiation TS5 23rd February 8th March ITTeachMeet theme Differentiation 22nd March Managing behaviour TS7 Summer 2016 12th April 26th April Promote Good Progress and outcomes & design interventions TS2 10th May Peer Lesson Observations Following paired peer observations 24th May ITTeachMeet Celebration of Class of 7th June Performance Management Targets W/C 20th June Submission of Evidence Tracker and Exit interviews

12 NQT Lesson Observation Pro-forma
These will be completed twice per term and are in addition to any school based observations

13 Box Teaching Files Each NQT has created a Box account where all teaching files will be stored


15 Creating SPOT files highlights weaknesses
S student P progress O over T time Creating SPOT files highlights weaknesses

16 What happens if there is a problem?

17 And finally ask for help if you need anything at all!!
(i) Identify a mentor time (ii) Meet with mentor and fill in Development Plan (iii) Register with nipt (iv) Accept a Box file request (v) All resources will be placed on the Learning Space To do… And finally ask for help if you need anything at all!!

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