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Antigen-binding site Hinge region Stem region (a) Heavy chain

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1 Antigen-binding site Hinge region Stem region (a) Heavy chain
variable region Hinge region Heavy chain constant region Stem region Light chain variable region Light chain constant region Disulfide bond (a) Figure 21.14a

2 Classes of Antibodies IgM IgA (secretory IgA) first antibody released
Readily fixes and activates complement IgA (secretory IgA) In mucus and other secretions Helps prevent entry of pathogens

3 Table 21.3

4 Classes of Antibodies IgD IgG
Attached to surface of B cells as a receptor IgG 75–85% of antibodies From secondary Crosses the placental barrier

5 Classes of Antibodies IgE Active in allergies and parasitic infections
Causes mast cells and basophils to release histamine

6 Table 21.3

7 (cell-bound antigens)
Adaptive defenses Humoral immunity Antigen-antibody complex Antigen Antibody Inactivates by Fixes and activates Neutralization (masks dangerous parts of bacterial exotoxins; viruses) Agglutination (cell-bound antigens) Precipitation (soluble antigens) Complement Enhances Enhances Leads to Phagocytosis Inflammation Cell lysis Chemotaxis Histamine release Figure 21.15

8 Monoclonal Antibodies
Commercially prepared pure antibody Produced by hybridomas Cell hybrids: fusion of a tumor cell and a B cell Proliferate indefinitely and have the ability to produce a single type of antibody Used in research, clinical testing, and cancer treatment

9 Cell-Mediated Immune Response
Major types of T cells CD4 cells helper T cells (TH) when activated CD8 cells cytotoxic T cells (TC) that destroy cells harboring foreign antigens Other types of T cells Regulatory T cells (TREG) Memory T cells

10 (or regulatory T cells)
Adaptive defenses Cellular immunity Immature lymphocyte Red bone marrow T cell receptor T cell receptor Maturation Class II MHC protein Class I MHC protein CD4 cell CD8 cell Thymus Activation Activation APC (dendritic cell) Memory cells APC (dendritic cell) CD4 CD8 Lymphoid tissues and organs Effector cells Helper T cells (or regulatory T cells) Cytotoxic T cells Blood plasma Figure 21.16

11 T cells must simultaneously recognize
Antigen Recognition Immunocompetent T cells are activated when their surface receptors bind to a recognized antigen (nonself) T cells must simultaneously recognize Nonself (the antigen) Self (an MHC protein of a body cell)

12 Two types of MHC proteins are important to T cell activation
Class I MHC proteins - displayed by all cells except RBCs Class II MHC proteins – displayed by APCs (dendritic cells, macrophages and B cells) Both types are synthesized at the ER and bind to peptide fragments

13 Cytoplasm of any tissue cell Cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
2 Endogenous antigen peptides enter ER via transport protein. Endogenous antigen is degraded by protease. 1 Endogenous antigen peptide is loaded onto class I MHC protein. 3 Endogenous antigen— self-protein or foreign (viral or cancer) protein Loaded MHC protein migrates in vesicle to the plasma membrane, where it displays the antigenic peptide. 4 Transport protein (ATPase) Antigenic peptide Plasma membrane of a tissue cell Extracellular fluid (a) Endogenous antigens are processed and displayed on class I MHC of all cells. Figure 21.17a

14 Class II MHC is synthesized in ER.
Cytoplasm of APC 1a Class II MHC is synthesized in ER. Invariant chain prevents class II MHC from binding to peptides in the ER. 3 Vesicle fuses with phagolysosome. Invariant chain is removed, and antigen is loaded. 2a Class II MHC is exported from ER in a vesicle. Cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Phagosome 1b Extracellular antigen (bacterium) is phagocytized. 4 Vesicle with loaded MHC migrates to the plasma membrane. Phagosome merges with lysosome, forming a phagolysosome; antigen is degraded. 2b Lysosome Extracellular antigen Plasma membrane of APC Antigenic peptide Extracellular fluid (b) Exogenous antigens are processed and displayed on class II MHC of antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Figure 21.17b

15 T cell activation is a two-step process
APCs (most often a dendritic cell) migrate to lymph nodes and other lymphoid tissues to present their antigens to T cells T cell activation is a two-step process Antigen binding Co-stimulation

16 Adaptive defenses Cellular immunity Viral antigen Dendritic cell
engulfs an exogenous antigen, processes it, and displays its fragments on class II MHC protein. 1 Class lI MHC protein displaying processed viral antigen Dendritic cell CD4 protein Immunocompetent CD4 cell recognizes antigen-MHC complex. Both TCR and CD4 protein bind to antigen-MHC complex. 2 T cell receptor (TCR) Immunocom- petent CD4 T cell Clone formation CD4 cells are activated, proliferate (clone), and become memory and effector cells. 3 Helper T memory cell Activated helper T cells Figure 21.18

17 Helper T Cells Interact directly with B cells Stimulate B cells B cells may be activated without TH cells

18 TH cell help in humoral immunity
Activated helper T cell TH cell binds with the self-nonself complexes of a B cell that has encountered its antigen and is displaying it on MHC II on its surface. 1 T cell receptor (TCR) Helper T cell CD4 protein MHC II protein of B cell displaying processed antigen TH cell releases interleukins as co-stimulatory signals to complete B cell activation. 2 IL- 4 and other cytokines B cell (being activated) (a) Figure 21.19a

19 TH cell help in cell-mediated immunity
CD4 protein 1 Helper T cell Previously activated TH cell binds dendritic cell. Class II MHC protein APC (dendritic cell) TH cell stimulates dendritic cell to express co-stimulatory molecules (not shown) needed to activate CD8 cell. 2 IL-2 Dendritic cell can now activate CD8 cell with the help of interleukin 2 secreted by TH cell. 3 Class I MHC protein CD8 protein CD8 T cell (b) Figure 21.19b

20 Roles of Cytotoxic T(TC) Cells
Directly attack and kill other cells Activated TC cells circulate in blood and lymph and lymphoid organs in search of body cells displaying antigen they recognize

21 Roles of Cytotoxic T(TC) Cells
Targets Virus-infected cells Cells with intracellular bacteria or parasites Cancer cells Foreign cells (transfusions or transplants)

22 Cytotoxic T Cells Bind to a self-nonself complex Can destroy all infected or abnormal cells

23 1 2 3 4 5 Adaptive defenses Cellular immunity Cytotoxic T cell (TC)
TC binds tightly to the target cell when it identifies foreign antigen on MHC I proteins. 1 TC releases perforin and granzyme molecules from its granules by exocytosis. 2 Granule Perforin molecules insert into the target cell membrane, polymerize, and form transmembrane pores (cylindrical holes) similar to those produced by complement activation. 3 Perforin TC cell membrane Target cell membrane Granzymes enter the target cell via the pores. Once inside, these proteases degrade cellular contents, stimulating apoptosis. 4 Target cell Perforin pore Granzymes The TC detaches and searches for another prey. 5 (a) A mechanism of target cell killing by TC cells. Figure 21.20a

24 Regulatory T (TReg) Cells
Dampen the immune response by direct contact or by inhibitory cytokines Important in preventing autoimmune reactions

25 physical attack on the Ag
Cell-mediated immunity Humoral immunity Antigen (Ag) intruder Inhibits Inhibits Triggers Adaptive defenses Innate defenses Surface barriers Internal defenses Free Ags may directly activate B cell Ag-infected body cell engulfed by dendritic cell Antigen- activated B cells Becomes Clone and give rise to Ag-presenting cell (APC) presents self-Ag complex Activates Activates Memory B cells Naïve CD8 T cells Naïve CD4 T cells Activated to clone and give rise to Activated to clone and give rise to Induce co-stimulation Plasma cells (effector B cells) Memory cytotoxic T cells Memory helper T cells Secrete Activated cytotoxic T cells Activated helper T cells Cytokines stimulate Antibodies (Igs) Nonspecific killers (macrophages and NK cells of innate immunity) Circulating lgs along with complement mount a chemical attack on the Ag Together the nonspecific killers and cytotoxic T cells mount a physical attack on the Ag Figure 21.21

26 Organ Transplants Four varieties
Autografts: from one body site to another in the same person Isografts: between identical twins Allografts: between individuals who are not identical twins Xenografts: from another animal species

27 Prevention of Rejection
Depends on similarity of tissues Treated with immunosuppressive Many of these have severe side effects

28 Immunodeficiencies Congenital and acquired conditions that cause immune cells, phagocytes, or complement to behave abnormally

29 Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) Syndrome
Genetic defect Marked deficit in B and T cells SCID is fatal if untreated; treatment is with bone marrow transplants

30 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
HIV multiplies in lymph nodes throughout the asymptomatic period Symptoms appear in a few months to 10 years HIV-coated glycoprotein complex attaches to the CD4 receptor HIV enters the cell and uses reverse transcriptase to produce DNA from viral RNA The DNA copy (a provirus) directs the host cell to make viral RNA and proteins, enabling the virus to reproduce

31 Hypersensitivities Immune responses to a perceived (otherwise harmless) threat Causes tissue damage Different types are distinguished by Their time course Whether antibodies or T cells are involved Antibodies cause immediate and subacute hypersensitivities T cells cause delayed hypersensitivity

32 Immediate Hypersensitivity
Acute (type I) hypersensitivities (allergies) begin in seconds after contact with allergen Initial contact is asymptomatic but sensitizes the person Reaction may be local or systemic

33 Immediate Hypersensitivity
The mechanism involves IL-4 secreted by T cells IL-4 stimulates B cells to produce IgE IgE binds to mast cells and basophils, resulting in a flood of histamine release and inducing the inflammatory response

34 Anaphylactic Shock Systemic response to allergen that directly enters the blood Basophils and mast cells are enlisted throughout the body Systemic histamine releases may cause Constriction of bronchioles Sudden vasodilation and fluid loss from the bloodstream Hypotensive shock and death Treatment: epinephrine

35 Subacute Hypersensitivities
Caused by IgM and IgG transferred via blood plasma or serum Slow onset (1–3 hours) and long duration (10–15 hours) Cytotoxic (type II) reactions Antibodies bind to antigens on specific body cells, stimulating phagocytosis and complement-mediated lysis of the cellular antigens Example: mismatched blood transfusion reaction

36 Subacute Hypersensitivities
Immune complex (type III) hypersensitivity Antigens are widely distributed through the body or blood Insoluble antigen-antibody complexes form Complexes cannot be cleared from a particular area of the body Intense inflammation, local cell lysis, and death may result Example: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

37 Delayed Hypersensitivities (Type IV)
Slow onset (one to three days) Mechanism depends on helper T cells Cytokine-activated macrophages and cytotoxic T cells cause damage Example: allergic contact dermatitis (e.g., poison ivy)

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