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HRK Do Many Roads Lead to Rome? – Impact and Relevance of Institutional Internationalisation Strategies Professor Dr Dieter Lenzen Vice-President, German.

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Presentation on theme: "HRK Do Many Roads Lead to Rome? – Impact and Relevance of Institutional Internationalisation Strategies Professor Dr Dieter Lenzen Vice-President, German."— Presentation transcript:

1 HRK Do Many Roads Lead to Rome? – Impact and Relevance of Institutional Internationalisation Strategies Professor Dr Dieter Lenzen Vice-President, German Rectors Conference President, University of Hamburg Leipzig, 15 April 2013

2 HRK HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz Internationalisin g German Universities – Framework and Status Quo

3 Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen Dieter Lenzen Increasing Demand for Higher Education Student enrolment (2.5 million in WS 2012/13, population 82 mio.) University entrants (492.000 in 2012) Ratio of university entrants 40 % in 2009 (according to OECD classification; OECD average 59%) Student Enrolment HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz 3

4 Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen Dieter Lenzen HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz A Diversifying Higher Education Landscape Horizontal diversity Vertical diversity HRK International Strategy 2008 Universities as transnational actors: world higher education community Internationalised university Sharpening of Institutional Profiles and Diversification 4

5 Dieter Lenzen HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz Student Mobility International students: 250,000 in 2011 (11.4% of all students), China, the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Poland and Austria Mobile German students: 116,000 in 2009, Austria, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Switzerland, the USA, France and China Internationalisation strategies Political support Status Quo Internationalisation of German Universities Source: Wissenschaft Weltoffen 2012 5

6 Dieter Lenzen HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz Concept and Services HRK Audit Internationalisation of Universities Independent and systematic advice HRK Audit Internationalisation of Universities 6

7 Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen Dieter Lenzen HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz Participating Universities 2009 – 2013 U Hamburg FH Kiel U Rostock TU Berlin HU Berlin BTU Cottbus TU Dresden U Bielefeld FH Dortmund U Göttingen U Erfurt U Gießen FH Darmstadt HS Mannheim U Erlangen- Nürnberg HS Reutlingen U Konstanz HS München U Bremen PH Heidelberg U Potsdam HTW des Saarlandes FH Mainz FH Magdeburg- Stendal HS Hannover U Ulm U Köln TU Chemnitz HS Augsburg HS Furtwangen U Bayreuth U Lüneburg U Marburg FH Münster U Jena HAW Hamburg U Kiel U Trier U Tübingen FH Worms U Wuppertal FH Neu- Ulm 30 universities have participated 42 universities till end 2013 120 universities interested HRK Audit Internationalisation of Universities 7

8 Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen Dieter Lenzen Added value of an institutional strategy Coordination/conflicts between the internationalisation goals Strategy development sustainability Institutional language policy HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz What is Needed … in Terms of Strategy? First Findings – HRK Audit Internationalisation of Universities 8

9 Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen Dieter Lenzen Flow of information and quality assurance Incentives Transparency International faculty Visibility Quality HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz What is Needed … in Terms of Governance? First Findings – HRK Audit Internationalisation of Universities 9

10 Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen Dieter Lenzen Academic success Mobility windows Recognition procedures Staff mobility Teaching in English Teacher training programmes HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz What is Needed in … Studies and Teaching? First Findings – HRK Audit Internationalisation of Universities 10

11 Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen Dieter Lenzen Strategic research planning International early stage researchers Recruitment of international research staff Mobility of research staff HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz What is Needed … in Research and Technology Transfer? First Findings – HRK Audit Internationalisation of Universities 11

12 Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen Dieter Lenzen Adminstrative staff Administrative processes Demands of different target groups Career services HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz What is Needed … Terms of Advice and Support? First Findings – HRK Audit Internationalisation of Universities 12

13 HRK HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz Future Challenges for South Africa and Germany

14 Dieter Lenzen Shaping universities as places of learning, teaching and research Role of a World Higher Education System Use of English as the International Science Language Future Challenges for South Africa and Germany HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz 14

15 Dieter Lenzen Challenges of modern knowledge societies: Flexibility of the education system und mobility of students and academics Participation of women in education and the workplace Diversity within universities Employability Future Challenges for South Africa and Germany HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz 15

16 HRK HRK Hochschulrektorenkonferenz Thank you!

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