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Team Name : X Marketers Team Members : Vigya Gupta Arjun Katyal

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1 Team Name : X Marketers Team Members : Vigya Gupta Arjun Katyal College : XIMB

2 The Idea When we talk about recommendations, the first thing we look for is to have a strong and wide network so that these recommendations can reach out to people. And then we ask ourselves a question – “Who has the strongest network in today’s world, recommendation flow through which will be cheap and faster”. The first answer that comes to our mind is the huge network of the autowalas. Customer service is a key aspect in todays world so why not let the autowalas too enjoy it. Here’s how the plan works : Marico goes and distributes samples of the hair oil to various auto stands. These autowalas travel throughout the city, carrying various customers, to different places and more importantly to other auto stands. As a goodwill gesture, they give a few samples of the hair oil to each of their customers while receiving the money, recommending it. They also distributes these samples to other autowalas again recommending the same and hence the chain goes on. And finally the customers, as and when they use the hair oil and like it will further recommend it to their family members and friends.

3 Starting point of distribution
The chain continues….

Will the product image get a beating if distributed through autowalas and their recommendations No, not at all. In fact the idea will have a very strong emotional equation with the customers. Autowalas form a very integral part of our daily lives and it will show Marico in a very strong light. Also this will help in television advertising as the ad can be used to show that Marico despite being a strong corporate entity cares for the opinions and recommendations of the lower strata of the society. How will one track if the autowalas are actually distributing the samples and not keeping them for their own use This is one task that has to be carried out by the locals areas sales personnel. Frequent update from people in and around the auto stand, surprise checks by acting as one of the customers of the autowalas to see if they are distributing the samples are just few of the methods. Why will the autowalas do it? What is there benefit? Everyone likes a happy customer. The hair oil samples can act as an add on service by the autowalas to make their customers happy. In addition, the autowalas can also be given free bottles to ensure their continued service and loyalty.

5 Advantages and how previous roadblocks have been answered
Word of mouth achieved: The word will go around about this new concept of autowalas distributing and recommending hair oil. Word will spread and so will the sales. The concept as well as the product will become very popular. We may well have a situation where in people purposely start travelling in autos where in these samples are given to just try the new product. Low cost of sampling The cost of sending the samples to customers at their doorstep is done away with. We are indirectly making sure that the sample reaches the consumer. Goodwill and social reach The campaign will reach out to many people both in the urban and rural section. As the product is not too expensive and is well priced it may indirectly create a rural market too. Emotional touch There is no doubting the fact that an emotional angle brings fortunes to a brand. A lot of brands have used this element and have been successful in winning the hearts of people.

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