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American Psychology-Law Society Conference

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1 American Psychology-Law Society Conference
Minority Perceptions Matter: The Relationship Between Youth Attitudes Toward Police and Perceptions of Unfair Treatment Keisha April, J.D. Haley Simon, B.S. Suraji Wagage, M.S. Shane Nelson, B.S. Lindsey Cole, PhD. Naomi Goldstein, PhD. American Psychology-Law Society Conference March 2017


3 Trust Confidence Police Legitimacy

4 Procedural Justice Police Legitimacy

5 Trust in the Police Violent crime rates down
Policing is More Effective Violent crime rates down Public’s Trust & Confidence in Police Has Not Improved Only 50-60% of Americans indicate having trust in police Racial Gap Trust & confidence especially low among Black Americans (i.e., 30-35%) Tyler et al., 2015

6 Why Youth?

7 Current Study Youths’ Attitudes Toward Police
Perceptions of Unfair Police Treatment

8 Greater likelihood to perceive having been treated unfairly by police
Hypothesis Greater likelihood to perceive having been treated unfairly by police Stronger Belief Police are Bad Less Trust in Police Less Control of Respect

9 Participants N = 54 Age (SD = 1.23) Gender 84.5% male

10 Measures I have some control over whether police show me respect.
I trust many of the police in my district. All police are bad. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

11 Outcome Measure Do you think the police have treated you unfairly in the past? Yes No

12 Do You Think the Police Have Treated You Unfairly in the Past?
b S.E. OR 95% CI P I have some control over whether police show me respect. 1.16 .40 3.19 [1.45, 7.05] < .01 I trust many of the police in my district. 1.12 .45 3.07 [1.28, 7.35] .01 All police are bad. 1.27 .49 3.56 [1.36, 9.32] Gender 1.35 .97 3.88 [.58, 26.10] .16 Cox and Snell R2 = .39; Nagelkerke R2 = .53

13 Implications Police Practices Training Programming
Unfair treatment associated with youths’ distrust of police & feelings of limited control of interactions Police Practices Promote deescalation, and respectful interactions with youth in the field Training Curriculum including modules specific to concerns of minority youth Programming Community engagement to promote positive youth-officer relations

14 Implications Need for greater research on vicarious attitude formation
Perceptions of unfair treatment not associated with stronger agreement that “all police are bad” Peer Influence on Youth Attitude Formation? Need for greater research on vicarious attitude formation

15 Limitations & Future Directions
Size & Homogeneity of Sample Larger Sample with Greater Diversity Lack of Generalizability Replication Cross-sectional Design Longitudinal & Experimental Designs

16 For more information, please contact: Keisha April
Thank you! For more information, please contact: Keisha April

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