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Myths, Monsters and Legends of North America

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1 Myths, Monsters and Legends of North America

2 Chupacabra: “The Goat Sucker”
These creatures supposedly first appeared in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean during the mid 1970s. Described as being 4 to 5 feet tall with short haired, grayish green skin. Some are said to have red eyes, huge fangs and a row of spikes running down their backs. They earned their names by the fact that they were often sighted near farm animals and house pets that had been drained of their blood. Lately, Chupacabras have been sighted in areas like Mexico, and southern states like Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. The recent appearance of the goat sucker in North America is tough to rationalize. Some say the new creature is a government experiment that went wrong while others say the creature may have been left behind by UFOs.

3 Ghosts, Poltergeists and Spirits.
. Legends of ghosts, spirits and haunted houses have existed in America since before the Revolutionary War. . It seems that every state in America can claim it has areas, buildings, roads, etc. that have sightings and weird stories attached to them. . In our area, in fact just down the street, the old Rose Victorian Inn is supposed to be haunted in the tower by the ghost of a little girl who used to live there. . Another local legend is the “La LLorna” or lady in white who haunts Highway 1 near Guadalupe. Supposedly, she and her baby were killed in a car wreck on a foggy night. The body of her child was never found and now each foggy night she is seen searching for her child. . Have any of you ever seen or heard something you couldn’t explain? I have!

4 Lake Monsters of North America
Although the world’s most famous lake monster lives in Loch Ness in Scotland, North America also has several large bodies of water that are supposed to be home to large, unidentified creatures. Witness descriptions of the creature are fairly consistent. 15 to 30 feet long with a snake like body. Sometimes fins on the sides of the creature are seen as well. This description is remarkably similar to a dinosaur called the Plesiosaur which existed during the Mesozoic Era (65 million years ago). Some scientists believe the animals are more likely to be misidentified seals or enormous fish called sturgeon. North American lakes said to have possible creatures living in them include Lake Champlain (New York), Lake Tahoe, Crater Lake (Oregon), Lake Illiamna (Alaska) and several others.

5 The Jersey Devil The legend supposedly began in the Pine Woods Barrens of New Jersey in 1735. There a poor woman named Jane Leeds found out that she was pregnant with her 13th child. She was so disturbed that she told friends “the devil can have the next one” Bad Move! Supposedly, when the baby was finally born, he was hideously disfigured with a reptilian body, horse’s head, huge bat wings and a forked tail. The creature began to grow and as the midwife screamed he unfurled his wings and flew up the chimney. Since that time, sightings of the creature are reported at least once or twice a year and dead farm animals are often called “victims” of the creature. Parents still threaten bad kids with visits from the “devil”.

6 Bigfoot, Sasquatch and the Skunk Ape
The huge humanoid, apelike creature has been sighted in 49 states (not Hawaii) and Canada as well as all over the world. They are known by different names including Yeti, Sasquatch, Yeren, Skunk Ape, Yowie, Arange Pendak, and several others depending on the location. They are most commonly seen in the large forests along the West Coast from California all the way to Alaska. They are described as being seven to ten feet tall and weighing between 300 and 800 pounds. They earned the nickname “Bigfoot” from their tracks which when found measure between 16 and 22 inches. Stories of the creature have been around for centuries with Native American legends prevalent all through North America.

7 Unidentified Flying Objects
The first reports of strange disc shaped flying objects in modern times occurred in the 1930s when pilots began reporting “saucer’ shaped craft following them on their flights. During World War II, American and British bomber pilots both recorded strange air craft and lights that would follow them as they flew their missions over Europe. The pilots called them “Foo Fighters”. The most famous incident in “alien” history occurred in 1947 when a space craft supposedly crashed and was found by a rancher near Roswell, New Mexico. Conspiracy theorists insist that the wreckage as well as three alien bodies were quickly taken by the military. It is said the wreckage and bodies were shipped to Area 51 outside of Las Vegas which is a top secret government military base.

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