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The Report contains:   Section 2. UNEG SO Work and Achievements Section 3. Changes in UNEG Members/ Executive Group Section 4. Financial Report.

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Presentation on theme: "The Report contains:   Section 2. UNEG SO Work and Achievements Section 3. Changes in UNEG Members/ Executive Group Section 4. Financial Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNEG Executive Coordinator’s Annual and Financial Report 2016-2017 UNEG AGM, Vienna 19 May 2017

2 The Report contains: Section 2. UNEG SO Work and Achievements Section 3. Changes in UNEG Members/ Executive Group Section 4. Financial Report

3 1. UNEG Work 2016-2017 Highlights:
Implementation of work plan: Various achievements in SOs KM: Continued to promote knowledge sharing & comm. “We published a lot, shared a lot, but have we used what’s available from our own offices?” Active publication efforts, incl. key “Foundation Docs” and “Working Papers,” e.g. Foundation docs: N&S; Eval Competency Framework Working papers (9): Professionalization of Evaluation Concept Paper Evaluation Use in the UN System: Conclusions from the Data Eval. in the SDG era: lessons, challenges and opp. for UNEG UN-SWAP: i) Indep review of UN-SWAP Eval Performance Indicator Reporting; ii) EPI 2016 Reporting Cycle Results; iii) Peer Learning Exchange 2016 – Lessons Learned; iv) FAQ

4 1. UNEG 2016-2017 Highlights (cont’d):
Increased use of webinars/BBLs 12 Webinars organized through UNEG platform (up from 8 last year). Presentation material/ recordings available on website. Active use of social media Twitter account: 2,600 followers (up from 1,400) UNEG YouTube Channel: 195 videos, 12,200 viewers, and 123 subscribers (up from 102 videos; 8,000 viewers; and 60 subsc.) Limited participation in uploading evaluation plans/reports (UNEG database) Limited use of ‘CoP’ => Revisit “discussion forum”? As of Feb 2017 As of Mar 2016 Eval Plans 73 (9 agencies) 111 (8 agencies) Eval Reports 6,665 (25 agencies) 6,200 (22 agencies)

5 2. Changes in UNEG Heads “Thank you …. and Welcome!”
Abdallah Al-Dardari => Khawla Mattar, ESCWA Zamira Eshmambetova => Catherine Haswell, ECE Ewen Macleod, => Betsy Greve, UNHCR Olivier Myard => Hilary Jackson, ICAO Kyung-Rae Min => Sung-Jin Kim, IMO Thierry Rajaobelina => Robert Stryk, UNRWA Helen Wedgwood => Andrea Cook, WFP Welcome Madeeha Bajwa, UNCTAD Kai Bethke, UNIDO Brook Boyer, UNITAR Alexandra Chambel, acting, UNFPA Scott Green, OCHA Edwin Dindi Ndubi, CTBTO Masud Rana, UN DGACM Rajesh Singh, WIPO Lukasz Wieczerzak, OPCW .

6 2. UNEG Executive Group Marco Segone, UNEG Chair, Dir, Indep Evaluation Office, UN Women =>Susanne Frueh, Dir, Internal Oversight Services, UNESCO Andrea Cook, Vice Chair SO1 (’16-’18), Dir, Office of Evaluation, WFP Oscar Garcia, Vice Chair SO2 (’16-’18), Dir, Indep Office of Evaluation, IFAD Indran Naidoo, Vice Chair SO3 (‘16-’18), Dir, Indep Evaluation Office, UNDP Colin Kirk, Vice Chair SO4 (‘15-’17), Dir, Evaluation Office, UNICEF => Masahiro Igarashi, Director, Evaluation Office, FAO Fumika Ouchi, UNEG Executive Coordinator, Evaluation Advisor, UNDP/IEO => Arild Hauge, Deputy Director, UNDP/IEO .

7 3. Financial Report 2016-2017 The section contains:
Overview: UNEG Account Balances* Opening and closing cash balance 2016 Opening and closing cash balance 2017 2. Summary of Financial Contributions Member contributions to SO working groups UNDP/IEO contribution to UNEG Secretariat In-kind contributions by members Summary of membership fees and earmarked funds 3. Expenditures by SO and activity area (*Based on ATLAS) ATLAS report data, as of March 2016. Figures reflecting the Jan-Dec fiscal period Est. resource balance incl. large earmarked contributions to be spent in coming years.

8 3. Financial Report-Highlights (cont’d):
1. Increasing trend in the number of Contribution Agreements, including new contributors. Contribution Agreements Year No. of Agreements Signed No. of New Contributors 2013 11 2014 15 IOM and ITC (2) 2015 16 PAHO, UNICRI, UNRWA, and WMO (4) 2016 24 ECE, ESCAP, IAEA, ICAO, IMO, OPCW, PBSO, UNAIDS, UNCTAD, UNITAR, WHO (11)

9 3. Financial Report-Highlights (cont’d):
2. More members paid “exact” membership fees (or more in earmarked) – Up from 30% ( ) to 51% 3. “Zero fee payments” decreased from 65% to 49% Distribution of Contribution Agreements signed in ‘16 (incl. earmarked funds) Size of the office (No. of staff / suggested membership fee) No. of eligible agencies No. of organizations who contributed Total Above the threshold Exact amount Below the threshold “zero” (no) fees Tier 5 (15 or more / 20,000) 6 1 (Earmarked) 2 - 3 70,800 Tier 4 (10-14 staff / 15,000) 16,200 Tier 3 (5-9 staff/ 10,000) 11 7 4 73,980 Tier 2 (3-4 staff / 5,000) 12 9 20,000 Tier 1 (2 or below / 1,000) 16 10 11,780 47 1 (2%) 23 (49%) 192,760

10 3. Financial Report-Highlights (cont’d):
4. Some agencies made direct financial support to SO WG activities/ events.1 2016 Eval Week by 11 Geneva-based agencies2 Humanitarian Evaluation Interest Group (FAO, UNHCR, WFP) Professionalization of Evaluation WG (UNFPA) Gender Equality and Human Rights WG (UN Women) 5. Significant ‘in-kind’ contributions (e.g. services or goods) by many agencies to the SO implementation. 1 Incl. funds not channelled thru the Secretariat (e.g. UNDP for HEIG and HRGE) 2 Geneva agencies: ILO, IOM, ITC, OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNCTAD, UNECE, UNHCR, WHO, WIPO, WMO

11 3. Financial Report-Highlights (cont’d):
6. UNDP’s hosting UNEG Secretariat, amounting to $299,965, incl.: Full-time UNEG Programme Specialist 20% P5 staff time as UNEG Exec Coordinator 5% Operations Manager (P4); and 5% IT Specialist (P3) *UNEG Programme Assistant (consultant) covered by UNEG

12 3. Financial Report-Highlights (cont’d):
7. Varying rates of delivery across SOs A summary of expenditures by SO Strategic Objective Total expected costs as per Costed Work Plan '16-'17 work plan expenditures, including GMS and other charges Delivery Total 2016 expenditures after AGM '16 Expenditures Jan-Feb '17 Estimated expenditures Mar-May '17 (A) (E)=(B+C+D) (B) (C) (D) (F)=(E/A) SO 1 159,000 94,645 33,393 4,011 57,241 60% SO 2 25,000 21,542 86% SO 3 87,000 66,800 43,040 23,760 77% SO 4 200,000 99,640 49,782 1,523 48,355 50% Secretariat 135,000 153,954 67,989 19,519 66,446 114% 606,000 436,581 215,746 25,053 195,782 72%

13 Moving Forward: Decisions to be made at AGM 2018 on whether the Membership Fee Scheme should be fully instituted as UNEG operations => Continue to monitor the status of agency contributions. Midterm Review of UNEG Strategy : Opportunity for revisiting UNEG’s strategic focus, operational structure, governance. *Note: 2016 AGM endorsed the continuation of the pilot for another 2 years ( ), during which the payment can be made on a voluntary basis, where member agencies are encouraged to contribute as they can.

14 Midterm Review (MTR) of UNEG Strategy 2014-2017
Purpose: In prep for the next Strategy, explore - “Is UNEG doing the right thing, and things right, in the context of Agenda 2030/SDGs?” Objectives: MTR will examine - Current strategic focus and approaches against UNEG’s mandate and purposes, and SDGs => areas req. prioritization (incl. membership/observer/partnership criteria) Progress and achievements in SOs between 2015* and 2017 Use of financial resources Internal governance, management, operational structure (incl. decision-making mechanisms; prog implementation modality; role/sustainability of Secretariat; membership fee plan) *After the launch of the revised UNEG Strategy ‘14-’19.

15 Midterm Review (MTR) Process: From Concept Note to Terms of Reference
EG’s first discussion (Nov 2016) Draft Concept Note developed (27 Jan 2017) => Shared w/ Heads for comments (due 10 Feb) 8 agencies provided comments 4 agencies expressed “No Objection” EG review of all comments => draft TOR developed, shared w/ Heads (31 March, comments due by 10 Apr) No further comments 2 agencies expressed “No Objection” TOR “endorsed” on a non-objection basis (28 Apr ‘17)

16 Midterm Review (MTR) Next steps:
=> Final MTR report to be presented at next AGM 2018 *TF: Resp. for managing the MTR process; Selected from UNEG Heads; represents the ‘diversity’ of UNEG (e.g. size, mandate, geographical distribution) Date Activities Jan – Apr 2017 Concept Note, TOR May 2017 AGM Vienna May - June Task Force* set up; Review team recruited July - Aug Inception report Sept - Nov Data collection, analysis Jan 2018 Draft report Feb Facilitated workshop (presentation of results) to derive at ways forward

17 Thank you.

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