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Logistical information

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2 Logistical information
Content Introduction Product Line up Features Data sheets Manuals Logistical information

3 Introduction “LED video wall technology is becoming an increasingly popular video wall solution due to its ability to deliver... Seamless images Scalability to any size or shape and Excellent optical characteristics .. that makes video wall content look great from any angle. “ LED video walls are great for applications such as: Corporate Signage, Transportation, Retail, Public Spaces, presentation and decision rooms, control rooms and sport facilities.

4 Introduction Vogel’s developed a LED video wall mount solution that supports a rear installation and service solution for the Leyard TW(A) series and Philips L-line. This rear service mounting solution provides up to 60 cm of smooth forward extension. The open frame design allows complete rear cabinet access with no obstructions. The frame provides quick installation of the LED tiles within a single mounting frame. Leyard TW(A) series Philips L-line

5 PLW 100x LED video wall mounts

6 PLW 100x – Line up PLW 1001 PLW 1002 PLW 1003 PLW 1004
The PLW Series is available in several standard configurations (1x2, 2x2, 1x3 and 2x3). By coupling these mounts other video wall dimensions can be created.

7 PLW 100x – Line up Optional: PLA 1001 – Actuator base set Actuator
Cabling (C13 – Schuko plug) Control box Push button Remote PLA 1002 – Actuator extension set Actuator Cabling Capacity: Max. 9 LED tiles. Capacity: Another 9 LED tiles. * 2 actuator entension sets (PLA 1002) could be connected to the actuator base set (PLA 1002).

8 Line up Art. Nr. Description Mount width mm Mount Height mm
Mount depth min. mm Product weight kg PLW 1001 1x2 LED video wall mount 1200 1350 169 54.4 PLW 1002 2x2 LED video wall mount 2400 81.6 PLW 1003 1x3 LED video wall mount 2025 68.0 PLW 1004 2x3 LED video wall mount 104.3 PLA 1001 Actuator base set (Max. 9 LED tiles) - 3.6 PLA 1002 Actuator extension set (For another 9 LED tiles)

9 Features

10 Features LED tile rear accessibility
Scissor design allows for smooth forward extension up to 60 cm. The open frame design allows complete rear access with no obstructions. The Leyard and Philips LED tiles requires rear access for installation and service.

11 Features Adjustment pads allow for alignment of individual LED tiles

12 Features Frame provides quick installation of multiple LED tiles

13 Features Adjustable wall foot pad allows for fine tune adjustment on uneven wall surfaces

14 Features Optional actuator arm allows for motorized in
and out movement

15 Features By coupling the standard
configurations (1x2, 2x2, 1x3 and 2x3) other video wall dimensions can be created.

16 Features Locking latches keep the mount secure when
service is not required

17 Features Fine tune adjustment on uneven surfaces Optional motorized in
LED tile rear accessibility Optional motorized in and out movement Other video wall dimensions can be created. Alignment of individual LED tiles Secure when service is not required Quick installation

18 Data sheets

19 Data sheets PLW 100x

20 Manuals

21 Manuals PLW 100x

22 Logistical information

23 Logistical information
Art. Nr. Description Item Nr. Color Box dimensions cm Weight box (kg) Weight pallet (lbs) EAN-13 PLW 1001 1x2 LED video wall mount Black 126 x 143 x 27 95 210 PLW 1002 2x2 LED video wall mount 244 x 122 x 27 100 220 PLW 1003 1x3 LED video wall mount 211 x 126 x 27 91 200 PLW 1004 2x3 LED video wall mount 244 x 211 x 27 128 281 PLA 1001 Actuator base set (Max. 9 LED tiles) 38 x 38 x 30 - PLA 1002 Actuator extension set (For another 9 LED tiles)


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