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Dr. Alaa Moustafa Attia * Dr Mohamed Fouad Idress **

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1 Dr. Alaa Moustafa Attia * Dr Mohamed Fouad Idress **
Effect of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on local and systemic levels of interleukin-1 in smokers versus nonsmokers chronic periodontitis patients Al –Azhar Journal Dental Sciences October 2014, Dr. Alaa Moustafa Attia * Dr Mohamed Fouad Idress ** *Associate Professor Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Al-Azhar University (Assuit Branch) and Umm Alqura University. **Lecturer of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Al-Azhar Unversity (Assuit Branch) Introduction Results Periodontal disease destruction is a consequence of the interaction of genetic, environmental, host and microbial factors. The presence of microorganisms is essential factor in inflammatory periodontal disease, but the progression of the disease is related to host-based risk factors which include genetics, age, gender, smoking, socio-economic factors and certain systemic diseases. (1,2) Smoking alters the host response, including vascular function, neutrophil/monocyte activities, adhesion molecule expression, antibody production, as well as cytokine and inflammatory mediator release. These changes likely contribute to the negative impact of smoking on the reparative and regenerative potential of the periodontium. (3,4) IL-1β is a glycoprotein of 17 KDa which is structurally related to interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1α), the other form of IL-1 that has been identified. Both forms possess proinflammatory properties, with IL-1β being the more potent. In periodontitis patients, increased IL-1β levels have been reported in both GCF and periodontal tissues. The amounts of IL-1β have been closely associated with periodontal disease severity so that it acts as marker of tissue destruction. (5,6) Results: The results showed highly significantly improvements in all clinical parameters at time intervals; baseline and 3rd Week for both studied groups, while, the statistical analysis for mean values of PI and PD of G1 in comparison to G2 at baseline were non-significant (P ≥ 0.5). The statistical comparison of GCF and serum mean values of IL- levels showed highly significant differences (P ≤ 0.01) within and between both groups for all time intervals except for G2 when comparing the mean values of baseline versus 3rd week, the difference was significant (P ≤ 0.05). Groups Intervals Mean ± SD Comparisons T P value GCF IL-1 G1 Baseline 8.86±5.61 2.95 0.001** 3rd Week 0.007±0.01 G2 18.44±4.19 2.23 0.052 13.94±4.09 G1 Vs G2 4.31 0.000** 10.77 Serum IL-1 0.72±0.74 3.78 0.014* 0.02±0.011 3.92±0.82 1.76 0.112 3.11±1.08 9.004 9.10 Aim of the study Table (1): clinical parameters at time intervals; at baseline and 3rd Week for all studied groups. Table (2): IL-1 beta in GCF and serum levels (pg/100μL) The present study was performed to evaluate the effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on the proinflammatory cytokine IL-1beta interlekin1 (IL1β) levels in gingival crevicular fluid and serum of chronic periodontitis smoker versus non-smoker patients. Materials and Methods Study Population: Twenty male subjects with mild to moderate generalized chronic periodontitis: Grouping ; Group 1: Non smokers chronic periodontitis patients Group 2: Smokers chronic periodontitis patients Exclusion criteria: (i) known systemic diseases, (ii) history and/or presence of other infections, (iii) systemic antibiotic treatment in the preceding 3 months, (iv) treatment with any medication known to affect the serum level of inflammatory markers and (v) pregnant or lactating females. Periodontal examination Prior to GCF & serum samples collection, the following parameters were taken Plaque index (PI), Gingival index (GI), Pocket depth (PD) , Attachment loss (CAL) (13) Collection of samples 1- GCF samples 2- Serum samples The samples stored - 70C until assaying of CRP ELIZA technique. Non surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT) NSPT oral hygiene instructions, scaling and root planning through 4 visits consequently. Metronidazole was prescribed in many cases when indicated at dose 500 mg twice daily for 7 days. Clinical parameters in nonsmokers chronic periodontitis patients Clinical parameters in nonsmokers chronic periodontitis patients PI = Plaque index GI = Gingival index PD = Pocket depth CAL = Clinical attachment loss Conclusion Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) was significantly higher in smokers than non-smokers in GCF and serum and insignificantly decreased by periodontal therapy. In addition, all clinical parameters improved in smokers and non-smokers but smokers demonstrated a less treatment response than non-smokers. References 1. Last J.A. A dictionary of epidemiology. Int J Epidemiology (1982); 11: Denis F.K., Mark P.B. Clinical relevance of the host responses of periodontitis. Periodontol 2000 (2007); 43: Palmer R.M., Wilson R.F., Hasan A.S., Scott D. A. Mechanisms of action of environmental factors – tobacco smoking. J Clin Periodontol (2005); 32 (Suppl. 6): Ryder M. I. The influence of smoking on host responses in periodontal infections. Periodontol 2000 (2007); 43: Socransky S.S., Haffajee A.D. Microbiology and periodontal disease. In: Lindhe J., Karring T., Lang N.P. Clinical periodontology and implant dentistry. 5th edition Blackwell Munksgaard (2003); Kinane D.F., Chestnutt I.G. Smoking and periodontal disease. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med (2000); 11: GCF Sample by using of Micropipette Nosurgical treatment for chronic periodontitis patient

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