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Warm Up: Fill out your table of contents.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: Fill out your table of contents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: Fill out your table of contents.
Tape “Colonies Vocab” on page 46. Divide page 45 into 8 sections. Label each section with one of the vocab words and draw a picture to represent it.

2 Why did English colonists move to America?
Today’s Question: Why did English colonists move to America?

3 Activities: Notes: Early Settlements
Stations: Primary and Secondary Sources Begin Comic Strip


5 Three Southern colonies were established as economic ventures
1587: Roanoke 1607: Jamestown 1732: Georgia

6 Roanoke

7 Economic Ventures/New Opportunities
1587: Roanoke Island was established as an ______ venture.

8 England’s first try: Roanoke Island What happened to the settlers on Roanoke Island?

9 Jamestown

10 Economic Ventures/New Opportunities
1607: Jamestown was established as an economic venture by the _______ company.

11 Jamestown: a more successful economic venture

12 Georgia

13 Economic Ventures/New Opportunities
1732: The colony of Georgia was settled by people who had been in ________ prison in England.

14 Georgia: the opportunity for a new life

15 1620: Plymouth 1630: Massachusetts Bay 1681: Pennsylvania
New England/Mid-Atlantic were places for people who wanted religious freedom 1620: Plymouth 1630: Massachusetts Bay 1681: Pennsylvania

16 Plymouth

17 Religious Freedom 1620: Plymouth colony was settled by _______ from the Church of England who wanted to avoid religious persecution.

18 1620, the Pilgrims set out in search of religious freedom

19 Massachusetts Bay

20 Religious freedom 1630: Massachusetts Bay was settled by Puritans to avoid _______ persecution.

21 Puritans believed that god was giving them a new opportunity in America

22 Pennsylvania

23 Pennsylvania 1681: Established by ________ , who wanted to practice their religion without interference.

24 Quakers in Pennsylvania: religious freedom for all

25 Early Settlement Documents:
You will be looking at primary and secondary source documents to learn more about life in the early settlements. Primary Source: Secondary Source: Something directly A history book or from history article written by someone studying history

26 With your group: Move to each station
Read the document OUT LOUD with your group Fill in chart: Early Settlement Type of Document: Primary or Secondary Source? Summarize: What is this document about? What does this document tell us about life in this early settlement?

27 Early Settlement Comic Strip:
Create a comic strip about one of the early English Settlements. Box one should take place in England, box two should show the settlers arriving to their new settlement, and box three should show the settlers living permanently in their settlement.

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