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Developing a Quality Management System
Viki Massey Quality Coordinator A Joint Venture of London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Health Care London
Today’s Presentation LLSG profile Implementation Plan
Outline Quality System Essentials Review: Where are we? Outline the next steps
London Laboratory Services Group
Joint venture between LHSC and SJHC Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Program 9 disciplines 55 laboratories 4 campuses 500 employees
What is a Quality Management System
ISO 9000 defines a QMS as: “ Management system to direct and control an organization with regard to quality” ISO- International Organization of Standardization
Why Quality Management System?
QMP-LS: Quality Management Program – Laboratory Services; Ontario Laboratory Accreditation (OLA) Consistent with international trends and laboratory science We are committed to providing the highest level of care to the patient OLA has provided (over 500) requirements to meet and in essence once these are met, a Quality Management System will have been created. OLA has provided the framework or structure…. each laboratory needs to develop their own plan or blueprint to develop and implement a system International Organization of Standardization (ISO): New lab standard ISO 15189; QMPLS is one of the first organizations in North America to adopt this standard
How to Implement a Quality Management System?
I felt just like my friend Garfield, when Glen approached me about the Quality Coordinator position. I needed to find one end of the yarn and start wrapping it up until I had something tangible to work with-Attended workshops, symposiums, meetings, read literature in order to create an implementation plan.
LLSG Implementation Plan
Quality Coordinator Discipline Task Teams Quality Team Develop Policies GAP analysis Map Processes Write procedures Quality Manual Communicate/Educate/Train Audit Accreditation Quality Coordinator- Appointed one year ago (Aug 2002) Develop and implement a QMS to meet accreditation requirements QDTT- Each lab discipline has a task team Deals with the operational issues Includes technical and medical staff QT- One rep from each of the discipline teams Members from our affiliated hospitals, STEGH, Tillsonburg, Ingersoll, CKHA, Middlesex HA Deals with operational and administrative issues that are common to all labs
Pre-Analytic Analytic Post-Analytic Info Mgmt
Structure for a Quality system Quality System Essentials Organization Personnel Equipment Purchasing/Inventory Process Control Documents/Records Occurrence Mgmt Internal Assessment Process Improvement Service and Satisfaction Facilities and Safety Information Management Path of Workflow Pre-Analytic Analytic Post-Analytic Info Mgmt Quality system essentials apply to all operations in the path of workflow QSE’s are described by NCCLS (HS1) and OLA also references QSE’s Activities related to each QSE across the path of work and defined by policies, processes and procedures is the basis for the QMS. A quality manual documents policies related to the QSE’s. QSE’s can be applied to any healthcare service. In order to define and get a clear understanding of how the QSE’s related to the OLA requirements, I referenced the requirements to each of the QSE’s.
QSE: Documents and Records
Document Management System create identify change approve file distribute archive Document Management System Most time consuming and important system to develop Paper or computerized- software available for managing documents Documentation is key- need a standardized way to create, ID, Change etc Document Control provides a means to ensure that only the current versions of documents are in use LLSG- use of a corporate system for managing documents and publishing current documents on a web site
Hierarchy of Documents
Policy What to do Process How it happens Procedures How to do it Record Retention QT and medical leaders have submitted information as to current practices Lab Manager and Quality Coordinator are reviewing and comparing current practice to recognized standards and guidelines in order to publish LLSG record retention times Records Forms
Policy Development - included in procedures Quality Policies
QSE’s Map OLA requirements Policy statement Responsibility Supporting statements Supporting processes Operational Policies - included in procedures One policy for each of the QSE’s QT drafted policies in two meetings I mapped the sections of the OLA requirements to each of the QSE in order to understand and show the relationship of the OLA requirements to the QSE’s Policy statement- briefly states the intent of the policy Responsibility- designated through process mapping Supporting statements- relate directly to the sections of the OLA requirements- one statement per section. These in turn determine the processes that are required to support the policy
POLICY STATEMENT: PURPOSE: This policy provides the direction for the processes and procedures to…. RESPONSIBILITY (use those that apply) Program Leader/Discipline Leader/Section Head is responsible for Lab Manager is responsible for Technical Specialist/Coordinator is responsible for Staff members are responsible for Other: The following sections are derived from the OLA requirements. They determine the supporting statements for the policy. There should be one section and related statement for the major categories defined in the requirements. Make a broad statement about the Laboratory's intentions for the sections below. SECTION SUPPORTING STATEMENTS Template developed as a result of attending CLMA workshop (Lucie Berte) and NCCLS HS1 References: · NCCLS document HS1-A Vol.22, No.13- A Quality System Model for Health Care; Approved Guideline · QMP-LS- Ontario Laboratory Accreditation Requirements · Others: Supporting Documents List the processes that support this policy:
Process Mapping Address the path of workflow
Describe how things happen here Flow Charts or Tables QT- mapping processes identified when policies developed- lab management functions common to all disciplines DTT- mapping those that are unique to the disciplines Table identifies who is responsible for each step in the process as well as the procedures that are necessary to carry out each step.
What Happens (List the steps) Who’s responsible Procedure (or another Process) Results 1) 2) 3) Template developed for QT and QDTT to assist with process mapping
Procedure Development
Identified from process mapping Templates developed based on NCCLS guidelines Used for analytical and non analytical procedures Many procedures already documented Developed Standardized templates for all lab disciplines to use OLA says “move forward”- for now only new procedures will be in the new format and we will convert existing procedures at a later date
Pocket procedure manual
Change documentation- post it notes
Procedures Accessible Up to date
User friendly- accurate, easy to follow
QSE: Process Control Laboratory processes and procedures Validation
Establishing Reference Intervals Quality Control Internal and External QA Method Comparability Accreditation The Laboratory ensures current procedures are available. The Laboratory ensures that all checks are in place to meet established performance expectations in all aspects of testing. Methods are validated before they are implemented The Laboratory determines requirements for the establishment of reference intervals. Quality Control processes and procedures are followed based on department specific requirements The Laboratory participates in, and monitors internal and external Quality Assurance and Quality Control programs. The Laboratory has a defined mechanism to verify the comparability of results produced, using different methods or equipment. The Laboratory participates in periodic accreditation assessments.
QSE: Occurrence Management
Quality Control: Corrective Action External and Internal Quality Assurance Turn Around Time (TAT) delay Discrepant Results Corrected Results Specimen Rejection Criteria Incidents or occurrences that fall outside defined expectations. Examples: The Laboratory: Takes corrective action on Quality Control results that fall outside of defined limits. acts upon any deficiencies identified by internal and external quality assurance programs. monitors and reports results outside of the expected TAT to the appropriate stakeholders. resolves discrepant results. identifies corrected results. defines acceptance and rejection criteria of specimens. QT- working on common occurrence form to report lab occurrences
QSE: Information Management
Results Reporting Release of Results Computer Procedures Change Approval Computer QA Computer Security Computer Validation The Laboratory has systems in place to manage all laboratory information generated. The Laboratory collaborates with the Information Management department in order to report patient results. The laboratory has policies, processes and procedures for reporting all normal, abnormal and critical results. The Laboratory ensures that released results are legible, properly identified and contain the appropriate results and interpretive information for the management of the patient. The identification of the individual releasing results is available. The Laboratory has policies, processes and procedures for releasing results, which include who may release results, and to whom they may be released. The Laboratory director or designate approves all changes to the computer system which may affect patient care. The Laboratory ensures that computer policies, processes and procedures are defined and available to authorized users. The Laboratory has computer quality assurance methods. The Laboratory provides adequate protection for all aspects of computer security. The Laboratory ensures that computer programs are checked for performance and validated if changed, prior to implementation.
QSE: Purchasing and Inventory
Inventory Control System External Services Purchasing Documents Material Resources The Laboratory has an inventory control system for managing supplies. The Laboratory defines the criteria for the verification, inspection, acceptance, rejection and storage of consumables.Records of action are maintained. The Laboratory in consultation with HMMS establishes a system to qualify and select vendors of equipment, supplies and services. Purchasing documents describe the services and supplies ordered. The laboratory reviews and approves purchasing documents/records for items affecting the quality of laboratory examinations. The Laboratory has adequate material resources to support laboratory activities. The Laboratory ensures that those resources will be maintained in functional and reliable condition.
QSE: Safety Safety Officer, Safety Committee Safety Manual
Audit and Inspections Reporting Incidents, Accidents, Illness Training Personnel Responsibilities The Laboratory has access to the facility’s safety specialist to assist with safety issues. The facility has a Joint Health and Safety committee. The Laboratory has a safety manual that is available in work areas to all employees.-soon to be published on LLSG web site The safety program is regularly audited and reviewed by Laboratory management or designated personnel. The Laboratory has a program for reporting and reviewing safety incidents/occurrences. London Health Sciences Centre implements a safety training program relevant to laboratory work practices. Staff members are responsible for consistently practicing standard/universal precautions or other safety processes to protect themselves, co-workers, patients or public from exposure to sources of danger.
QSE: Facilities Location and design Environmental Conditions Access
Communication Systems Storage Computer Environment The location and identification of the laboratory meets specifications to ensure the safety of patients, hospital personnel and the general public in addition to providing the appropriate environment for equipment. The design of the laboratory meets specifications to ensure the accessibility, safety and efficiency of the workspace. The Laboratory: ensures that environmental conditions are monitored and recorded as appropriate. ensures that access is controlled and incompatible activities are separated. communication systems meet established criteria to provide efficient transfer of information to clients. ensures adequate storage space and conditions for samples, equipment, reagents, supplies, documents and records. provides a well-maintained and stable environment for the operation of computers that comply with vendor specifications.
QSE: Equipment Equipment selection, calibration, verification, validation Inventory Equipment operation maintenance and records Defective Equipment All equipment and supplies are validated prior to implementation for patient care use. Each piece of equipment has a unique identification and label Equipment is maintained to ensure proper functioning in acceptable environmental and operating conditions by authorized competent personnel. Defective equipment is appropriately removed from service and only returned to service following repair and validation
QSE: Personnel Job Description and Qualifications Training Competence
Continuing Education Personnel Records Performance Appraisal The Laboratory: provides personnel with a job description outlining qualifications, duties, and responsibilities. provides training prior to the performance of duties for all personnel. assesses employee competence after completion of any training and periodically thereafter. provides support for continuing education and professional development. periodically conducts a performance evaluation for each employee. The facility maintains confidential personnel records for each employee
QSE: Organization License Mission Statement Accreditation
Organizational Structure Resource Allocation Referral Laboratories London Laboratory Services Group (LLSG) is part of London Health Sciences Centre which is a legally recognized entity. The current Laboratory License is posted within the laboratory. The Laboratory has a mission statement or statement of purpose. The Laboratory meets the criteria of accreditation set by the Ontario Laboratory Accreditation program. The Laboratory maintains organizational charts, which reflect the management structure and reporting relationships within the laboratory and relationships with other departments. Adequate resources will be provided to ensure that medical laboratory services meet the needs of the patients and the personnel responsible for patient care and other functions of the quality management system. The Laboratory abides by established processes for selection, monitoring and use of referral laboratories and consultants. As a referral center, LLSG ensures that the laboratory and consultants maintain and demonstrate competence to perform requested examinations.
QSE: Assessment Quality Indicators Internal Audits Management Review
The laboratory monitors quality indicators as they relate to proper calibration and function of instruments, reagents and analytical systems. The laboratory conducts internal audits regularly to ensure operations continue to comply with the quality management system. Laboratory management periodically reviews the quality management system.
QSE: Process Improvement
Quality Improvement Activities Occurrence management Problem Solving The Laboratory participates in quality improvement activities through the use of quality improvement tools The Laboratory has processes and procedures in place for when any aspects of examinations do not conform to established protocols. Continually improving…example…getting a 9/10 on a test….what happened to the other mark? Look closely at the outliers
QSE: Service and Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction (Complaints) Internal and external The Laboratory resolves complaints from patients or personnel responsible for patient care. The Laboratory conducts surveys to determine customer satisfaction (internal and external customers)
Where are We? Quality Team Quality policies developed
Processes identified/mapped Procedures written Document Management System Quality Manual Web site for referral labs Quality processes and procedures-developed, reviewed, critiqued at each meeting- changes made- approved by lab manager-posted to web site DMS- framework described through processes and procedures pilot site for corporate DMS- currently only being used by executive offices
Where are We? Discipline Task Teams GAP analysis Processes mapped
Procedures written Revisit requirements and close GAP Processes and procedures for pre analytical and analytical sections of the OLA requirements Currently working on Post analytical and QC/QA LIS team
What’s Next? Quality Team to continue to address QSE
Discipline Task Teams to complete sections of OLA requirements Educate and train staff Perform self assessment
Celebrate Success!
Resource Material ISO documents: 9001:2000 15189 NCCLS documents:
GP26-A GP22-A HS1- A QMP-LS- OLA Consensus Requirements
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