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Slides contributed by EGEE Team

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1 Slides contributed by EGEE Team
EGEE Middleware Valeria Ardizzone INFN Catania Roma, April 2006 Slides contributed by EGEE Team

2 Outline Grid “ecosystem” Middleware in EGEE Processes and Releases
Summary Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

3 The Grid “ecosystem” OSG, … SRM Used in 2001 2004 EDG Globus MyProxy
Condor ... VDT . . . LCG OSG, … DataTAG CrossGrid ... SRM This slide does not include many nationally funded initiatives – neither is it comprehensive in showing US and EU projects. Its here partly so that the relationship between VDT, LCG and EGEE – the ones heard most often – are seen, and are seen to be a small part of a complex story. The projects shown are not the only ones of importance. Grid middleware has evolved very fast, in many places. It entails different attempts to solve a range of problems; these tools need to become interoperable. It leaves Grid middleware in need of a view from a step back, and it has come in the convergence of Grids with web services. The development of Grid computing spans oceans – so the Univ of Wisconsin is one of two sites running the new prototype middleware for EGEE now. The scale of cooperation demands standards exist. The last years have begun to see these standards for Grids build on and with those from web services. GridCC NextGrid 2004 EGEE DEISA USA EU Used in Future grids Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

4 Middleware in EGEE

5 Middleware in EGEE Applications Higher-Level Grid Services
by R.Jones, 24/10 Provide specific solutions for supported applications Host services from other projects More rapid changes than Foundation Grid Middleware Deployed as application software using procedure provided by grid operations Higher-Level Grid Services Workload Management Replica Management Visualization Workflows Grid economies etc. application independent “Grid Foundation Middleware” all services that need to be deployed on a production Grid infrastructure in order to provide a consistent, dependable service. It can be regarded as the “Middleware Infrastructure”. higher level “Grid Services”. comprise higher level services that certain, but not all, VOs require. Foundation Grid Middleware Security model and infrastructure Computing (CE) & Storage Elements (SE) Accounting Information providers and monitoring Application independent Evaluate/adhere to new stds Emphasis on robustness/stability over new functionality Deployed as a software distribution by grid operations Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

6 Grid Foundation Middleware (1/2)
A Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach is essential to allow different Grid foundation services to interface with services not developed inside EGEE-II. Adherence to widely accepted international standards (WSRF) Components Security model and infrastructure define and enforce policies within VOs as well as those needed by the resource provider (i.e. between VOs). resource access control, resource access auditing and VO membership management. policy definition and enforcement, dynamic connectivity, auditing, and interoperability with Shibboleth-based authentication and authorisation infrastructures. Computing Element (CE) set of services that provide homogenous, managed, and secure access to heterogeneous, remote computing resources. to directly submit jobs or to dynamically deploy VO specific schedulers. collaboration w/ Condor and Globus. Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

7 Grid Foundation Middleware (2/2)
Storage Element (SE)      provides homogeneous access to storage resources, including managed data transfer. POSIX-like I/O and FTS. Accounting collecting the relevant information locally at the resources and making it available at a global or VO level (in a secure manner) for statistical, billing, or scheduling purposes. Prototype. Information and monitoring Information on resources must be accessible to other services in a dependable and timely manner. Supporting: monitoring of resources and allow user level monitoring (information and monitoring infrastructure, and service discovery). Allowing free information flow across different Grid flavours. Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

8 Middleware in EGEE Applications Higher-Level Grid Services
by R.Jones, 24/10 Provide specific solutions for supported applications Host services from other projects More rapid changes than Foundation Grid Middleware Deployed as application software using procedure provided by grid operations Higher-Level Grid Services Workload Management Replica Management Visualization Workflows Grid economies etc. application independent “Grid Foundation Middleware” all services that need to be deployed on a production Grid infrastructure in order to provide a consistent, dependable service. It can be regarded as the “Middleware Infrastructure”. higher level “Grid Services”. comprise higher level services that certain, but not all, VOs require. Foundation Grid Middleware Security model and infrastructure Computing (CE) & Storage Elements (SE) Accounting Information providers and monitoring Application independent Evaluate/adhere to new stds Emphasis on robustness/stability over new functionality Deployed as a software distribution by grid operations Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

9 Grid Services Grid Services comprise higher level services typically VO specific exploit the Grid Foundation Middleware for achieving their purpose. Grid Services not only from within EGEE-II Produce a middleware infrastructure that is general and capable of hosting Grid Services coming from other sources and projects. Services: workload management services Grid scheduler like functionality logging, bookkeeping, and job provenance services keep track of actions performed at the Grid level replica management services that reliably schedule data movement and catalog updates, visualization services for various information collected on the Grid, workflow services application specific abstraction of the workflow, Grid economies economy based scheduling, advanced reservation, etc. Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

10 gLite Grid Middleware Services
Access CLI API Security Services Authorization Information & Monitoring Services Information & Monitoring Application Monitoring Auditing Authentication The gLite Grid services follow a Service Oriented Architecture: facilitate interoperability among Grid services allow easier compliance with upcoming standards Architecture is not bound to specific implementations services are expected to work together services can be deployed and used independently The gLite service decomposition has been largely influenced by the work performed in the LCG project Data Management Workload Mgmt Services Metadata Catalog File & Replica Catalog Job Provenance Package Manager Accounting Storage Element Data Movement Computing Element Workload Management Connectivity Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

11 Process and Releases

12 gLite Software Process
Development Integration Testing Deployment Packages Software Code Fail Pass Testbed Deployment Integration Tests EMT defines release contents Based on work plan progress Based on essential items needed so far mainly for the HEP experiments, BioMed and Operations needs Decide on target dates for tags Taking into account enough time for integration & testing Integration Team produces Release Candidates based on received tags Performs Build, Smoke Test, Deployment Modules Iterate with developers Once Release Candidate passed functional tests produces documentation, release notes and final packaging announce the release on the glite Web site and the glite-discussion mailing list. Testing Team Test Release candidates on a distributed testbed CERN, RRZN Uni Hannover, Imperial College Raise bugs as needed Iterate with Integrators & Developers ….. Fix Fail Functional Tests Pass Installation Guide, Release Notes, etc Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

13 File Placement Service
gLite Releases gLite 1.1.2 Special Release for SC File Transfer Service gLite 1.4.1 Service Release ~60 Defect Fixes gLite 1.1.1 Special Release for SC File Transfer Service gLite 1.5 Shallow resub. in WMS GPBOX gLite I/O encryption Amga Hydra gLite 1.3 File Placement Service FTS multi-VO Refactored RGMA & CE gLite 1.4 VOMS for Oracle SRMcp for FTS WMproxy LBproxy DGAS gLite 1.0 Condor-C CE gLite I/O R-GMA WMS L&B VOMS Single Catalog gLite 1.2 File Transfer Agents Secure Condor-C gLite 1.1 File Transfer Service Metadata catalog QF1.4.1__33_2005 QF1.4.1__34_2005 QF1.4.1__31_2005 QF1.4.1__32_2005 QF1.3.0_22_2005 QF1.4.1__27_2005 QF1.3.0_20_2005 QF1.3.0_21_2005 QF1.4.1__28_2005 QF1.4.1__29_2005 QF1.1.2_11_2005 QF1.3.0_19_2005 QF1.4.1__30_2005 Functionality QF1.4.1__26_2005 QF1.1.0_09_2005 QF1.3.0_18_2005 QF1.4.1__25_2005 QF1.0.12_04_2005 QF1.1.0_10_2005 QF1.3.0_17_2005 QF1.1.0_07_2005 QF1.0.12_02_2005 QF1.1.0_08_2005 QF1.1.2_16_2005 QF1.0.12_03_2005 QF1.1.0_05_2005 QF1.1.2_13_2005 QF1.1.0_06_2005 QF1.2.0_14_2005 QF1.0.12_01_2005 QF1.2.0_15_2005 QF1.1.2_12_2005 QF1.3.0_24_2005 QF1.3.0_23_2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 Aug 2005 Sep 2005 Oct 2005 Nov 2005 Dec 2005 Jan 2006 Feb 2006 Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

14 After gLite 1.5.0 Converge from LCG and gLite to a single middleware stack called gLite. The first version will be gLite 3.0.0 Process controlled by the Technical Coordination Group gLite and LCG have been the last independent releases Components in gLite 3.0.0 Certified: All components already in LCG plus upgrades this already includes new versions of VOMS, R-GMA and FTS The Workload Management System (with LB, CE, UI) of gLite 1.5.0 Tested to some degree and with limited deployment support: The DGAS accounting system Data management tools as needed by the Biomed community Hydra, AMGA, secure access to data Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

15 Schedule for gLite 3.0.0 After gLite 3.0.0:
February March April May June Certification PPS Deploy in prodn PRODUCTION!! Thursday 1/6/06 LCG Service Challenge 4 (SC4) starts!! Tuesday 28/2/06 gLite 3.0.0β exits certification and enters pre-production Wednesday 15/3/06 gLite 3.0.0β available to users in the PPS Deployment of gLite 3.0.0β in PPS Continual bug fixing and patches passed to PPS Friday 28/4/06 PPS phase ends. gLite passes from PPS to Production. After gLite 3.0.0: March 31st: code freeze for development release gLite 3.1.0 April 30th: end of integration May 31st: end of certification. Deployment on PPS July 31st: release of production version gLite Start deployment at sites September : gLite installed at sites and usable. Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

16 Summary Complete middleware stack
security infrastructure information system and monitoring workload management data management Developed according to a well defined process Controlled by the EGEE Technical Coordination Group gLite will be available on the production infrastructure in less than 2 months Development is continuing to provide increased robustness, usability and functionality Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

17 Valeria Ardizzone, INFN Catania, EGEE gLite Tutorial, April 2006 Rome

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